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In seeking God's protection and care daily in the light...
In seeking God's protection and care daily in the light of Truth as revealed to us in the teachings of Christian Science, I am in a position to appreciate the value of this divine protection and guidance, as I was pursued by error in the form of rapidly failing health.
Being a locomotive engineer, I was dispatched one night from a railroad terminal in the face of a severe electrical storm. After we had run twenty-five or thirty miles an unusual incident occurred. A turtledove flew into the cab of the engine where there was a bright electric light over my head, and settled itself on my hand, which gripped the throttle of the engine. Just a moment later a large owl which had evidently been in pursuit of the dove brushed against the window. The dove's instinct had led it to know that its refuge was in the light. It rode on my hand for five miles, regardless of the noise made by the locomotive. When it sensed that the danger was over and that the day was breaking, it hoped from my hand onto the window sill, paused as if in gratitude, then flew away.
This illustrates my experience. I was racing desperately, and rather blindly, to escape the baneful and painful effects of sin and sickness. Then, in despair and on the advice of an acquaintance, I sought refuge in the light of Truth as revealed in Christian Science, and applied of help from a practitioner, who lovingly guided me to a happy condition of health through the understanding of God's immutable and eternal law. This healing set me free, and like the dove I am on my way rejoicing, knowing that error cannot come into the light of Truth.
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December 8, 1934 issue
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Staying in the Kingdom of Heaven
A Universal Friend
Stirring Up Our Nest
Christian Science—Revealed Truth
A Day Set Apart
Doing Good in Christ's Name
Be Still, and Know
In reply to a critic writing in your issue of August 4, let...
Charles W. J. Tennant,
In a recent column the following in connection with the...
Merrill M. Hutchinson, former Committee on Publication for Georgia,
Jesus said, "In the world ye shall have tribulation," but...
William Brantly, Committee on Publication for the State of Tennessee,
The Upward Way
Violet Ker Seymer
"There is lifting up"
W. Stuart Booth
The Lectures
with contributions from Donald C. Taber, Edwin Charles David Newland, Timothy Sheehan
I want to express my gratitude for having been led to...
Jennie Hedlund
Although I have received healings in Christian Science...
Madge Zang with contributions from Milton Zang
I have every reason to be grateful for Christian Science
Edgar F. Keatinge
It is such a joyous privilege to testify to the healing...
Olga Maria Breymann
In seeking God's protection and care daily in the light...
Robert J. Schrock
Our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, gives us this...
Minnie R. Mendelson
Christian Science came into my parents' home when I...
Lillien Woodward
Christian Science found me after a long journey, which I...
Juanita L. Pye
I should like to add a sincere expression of gratitude to the...
Adolph A. Geils
Christian Science
Signs of the Times
with contributions from L. E. Ackland, George H. Schofield, James Reid, Mattuck, Betty Lee