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Christian Science came into my parents' home when I...
Christian Science came into my parents' home when I was four years old. I had the great privilege of attending Christian Science Sunday Schools regularly from about the age of ten years on to twenty. The preparation and foundation for life gained there have proved invaluable many times in the past ten years since I left Sunday school. Always when I review my blessings this Sunday school training comes to thought first, with gratitude for the teachers and practitioners who so patiently guide all who seek help. As one direct result of learning in Sunday school to trust God, I was guided upon leaving school to take training that prepared me for a position which I did not then know existed, and which has proved very harmonious and steady for over eight years.
The regular study of the Lesson-Sermons found in the Christian Science Quarterly and the application of Christian Science have relieved me greatly of a morose disposition as I have realized more of my true self as the perfect image of God, who is Love.
With the aid of practitioners I have been healed of such physical ailments as colds, smallpox, toothache, instantaneously of excruciating pain in the abdomen, severe pain in the head, and a badly sprained or broken ankle. Also I have experienced many healings without aid from practitioners. These have included fear of examinations, colds, abdominal pains, and toothache. This last healing was a proof that a healing in Christian Science is complete, and that error has no law or power to return. The condition probably would be called abscessed tooth. After being healed with the aid of a practitioner, the condition presented itself again while I was on a trip. I firmly denied its reality as we are taught to do in Christian Science, even refusing to let it be noticed or known to the others with me, though they were students of this Science also. Thus it received no audience. In less than a day and a half I expressed my joy to my companions that the complaint was completely gone. There has been no return, and this was two years ago. In the making of decisions and for moral protection God has been invariably proved "a very present help in trouble."
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December 8, 1934 issue
View Issue-
Staying in the Kingdom of Heaven
A Universal Friend
Stirring Up Our Nest
Christian Science—Revealed Truth
A Day Set Apart
Doing Good in Christ's Name
Be Still, and Know
In reply to a critic writing in your issue of August 4, let...
Charles W. J. Tennant,
In a recent column the following in connection with the...
Merrill M. Hutchinson, former Committee on Publication for Georgia,
Jesus said, "In the world ye shall have tribulation," but...
William Brantly, Committee on Publication for the State of Tennessee,
The Upward Way
Violet Ker Seymer
"There is lifting up"
W. Stuart Booth
The Lectures
with contributions from Donald C. Taber, Edwin Charles David Newland, Timothy Sheehan
I want to express my gratitude for having been led to...
Jennie Hedlund
Although I have received healings in Christian Science...
Madge Zang with contributions from Milton Zang
I have every reason to be grateful for Christian Science
Edgar F. Keatinge
It is such a joyous privilege to testify to the healing...
Olga Maria Breymann
In seeking God's protection and care daily in the light...
Robert J. Schrock
Our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, gives us this...
Minnie R. Mendelson
Christian Science came into my parents' home when I...
Lillien Woodward
Christian Science found me after a long journey, which I...
Juanita L. Pye
I should like to add a sincere expression of gratitude to the...
Adolph A. Geils
Christian Science
Signs of the Times
with contributions from L. E. Ackland, George H. Schofield, James Reid, Mattuck, Betty Lee