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Christian Scientists celebrate Easter in regenerated thoughts and lives. More certainly than the sunshine breaks through the clouds, the birds burst into song and the flowers into bloom, does human consciousness, transfigured by the revelation of Christian Science, break forth into spiritual gladness. In the article entitled "Easter Services" (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 179) Mrs. Eddy says, "The first rightful desire in the hour of loss, when believing we have lost sight of Truth, is to know where He is laid." Truth is God, eternal Mind, and its ideas are never laid in matter. It may be that most students of Christian Science did not turn to this teaching until they seemed to lose health, happiness, righteousness, or religious faith. Then, through studying and applying Mrs. Eddy's teachings, they ceased to look for these gifts in matter and found them in divine Mind, where their permanency is assured.
On their walk to Emmaus two of the disciples of Jesus, we learn, were talking sadly and reminiscently. Owing to their belief in his apparent failure to rise from the tomb, they had admitted into their hearts the traitors of doubt and disappointment. In the midst of their gloomy conversation, so faithless to Christ, Truth, they were joined by their Master, who lovingly rebuked them, and they said to him, "Abide with us." The essential need of every Christian Scientist, covering all other needs, is that he should maintain his courage and gladness by mentally abiding with the ever abiding truth. Man in God's likeness cannot do otherwise than abide in Truth, for Truth abides with him. Knowing that man's spiritual identity cannot be entombed, Jesus turned his severest ordeal into his highest victory. With the acknowledgment that Life is God, and that Life begets unbroken harmony for all, he saved others from the material suppositions of sickness, sin, want, and he himself rose above so-called death. Christ Jesus is rightly regarded as the Saviour of mankind because he roused human thought from its false dependence upon that which is undependable and raised it to the true worship of infinite Mind. The heavenly Father of all creation is the endless source of all supply yesterday, today, and forever. This saving truth that God is Spirit and man is spiritual is still needed, still with us, and Christian Science is proving it to be still efficacious.
The right sense of God and of His spiritual image, reflected in thought and action, necessarily destroys the belief in matter. As a preliminary to the full demonstration of spirituality, this light of Truth restores health to the sick, joy to the joyless, wisdom to the reckless, love to the loveless, and prosperity to those stricken with poverty. Everything that God bestows is bountifully expressed by man, and in God's infinite reflection spiritual light shines undimmed.
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April 15, 1933 issue
View Issue-
Coming Out of the Grave
Life Is God, Good
The Risen Christ
Christ Jesus said, "Where two or three are gathered...
"With this infinitude"
Two letters which recently appeared in your columns...
Thomas C. Hollingshead, Committee on Publication for the State of Idaho,
A doctor is reported to have made statements regarding...
Mrs. Mary Blanch Jones, Committee on Publication for Gloucestershire, England,
My attention has been called to a New York dispatch...
George C. Eames, Committee on Publication for the State of Maine,
In your paper of October 12 a local minister takes exceptions...
John M. Dean, Committee on Publication for the State of Tennessee,
Your issue of November 10 contains a clergyman's article...
Aaron E. Brandt, Committee on Publication for the State of Pennsylvania,
From the Field
Charles W. J. Tennant
The Miracles of Jesus
Duncan Sinclair
Violet Ker Seymer
Items of Interest
with contributions from Editor
The Lectures
with contributions from George W. Prutsman, Meda Neubecker, W. Webster McCann
It is with great joy that I testify to the wonderful healing...
Barbara May Laverick
Twenty years ago a tiny growth appeared on the crown...
Nellie A. Field
When I was a child of nine years, a heavy steel door on...
J. Marguerite Hypes
It is a joy to testify to the healing power of Truth
Mary I. Parker
Christian Science has been my only physician for thirty...
Dorma B. Davie
I desire to acknowledge the innumerable benefits which...
Arthur B. Abbott
Christian Science has been a guiding star, a light unto my...
Pauline J. Staley
I have been a student of Christian Science for about...
Anne P. Hutchings
Jesus was never rude. He never gave needless pain to a...
Eugene P. Dunlap
Signs of the Times
with contributions from S. G. Sherwood, A Correspondent