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Life Is God, Good
A young man who was incarcerated in a prison overheard some of his fellow prisoners talking about how Christian Science could help them. He pondered over the statements and finally asked permission for the Christian Science worker to come to see him. His first question was, "What must I do to get out of here?" The Christian Scientist explained that what he needed was to learn the truth about God. "What is God?" was his next question. It was explained to him that God is Life, and that this meant that life is good, wonderful, harmonious, free. At this point the young man interrupted with words expressing doubt and bitterness and said, "Can you say that life is free?" The practitioner did not argue with him, but, instead, asked him whether he was interested enough to study the Bible and the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. He answered that he was.
He studied daily, and occasionally had talks with the Christian Scientist. He soon began to see that real life is not evil, but rather good, reflecting Life, God. He saw that there is not a single element of evil in Life, and began to understand that life in its real sense is not a great struggle or battle, that it does not consist of ups and downs, of one difficulty after another. He learned from the teachings of Christian Science that life is not worthless or empty; not a great muddle or mystery. He saw the absurdity of these false material concepts of life and discarded them, and glimpsed the fact that Life is understandable, as Love, God.
As his concepts changed, and in proportion as he demonstrated this higher ideal, much betterment in his attitude and conduct appeared. He became more kind and patient, constantly seeking to help someone; and he was healed of profanity. His improvement favorably impressed the officials of the prison, and he was soon made a "trusty." As he continued to study earnestly, clinging to the true concept of Life as God, seeking to demonstrate this fact every minute of the day, he was eventually paroled, and now is a useful citizen.
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April 15, 1933 issue
View Issue-
Coming Out of the Grave
Life Is God, Good
The Risen Christ
Christ Jesus said, "Where two or three are gathered...
"With this infinitude"
Two letters which recently appeared in your columns...
Thomas C. Hollingshead, Committee on Publication for the State of Idaho,
A doctor is reported to have made statements regarding...
Mrs. Mary Blanch Jones, Committee on Publication for Gloucestershire, England,
My attention has been called to a New York dispatch...
George C. Eames, Committee on Publication for the State of Maine,
In your paper of October 12 a local minister takes exceptions...
John M. Dean, Committee on Publication for the State of Tennessee,
Your issue of November 10 contains a clergyman's article...
Aaron E. Brandt, Committee on Publication for the State of Pennsylvania,
From the Field
Charles W. J. Tennant
The Miracles of Jesus
Duncan Sinclair
Violet Ker Seymer
Items of Interest
with contributions from Editor
The Lectures
with contributions from George W. Prutsman, Meda Neubecker, W. Webster McCann
It is with great joy that I testify to the wonderful healing...
Barbara May Laverick
Twenty years ago a tiny growth appeared on the crown...
Nellie A. Field
When I was a child of nine years, a heavy steel door on...
J. Marguerite Hypes
It is a joy to testify to the healing power of Truth
Mary I. Parker
Christian Science has been my only physician for thirty...
Dorma B. Davie
I desire to acknowledge the innumerable benefits which...
Arthur B. Abbott
Christian Science has been a guiding star, a light unto my...
Pauline J. Staley
I have been a student of Christian Science for about...
Anne P. Hutchings
Jesus was never rude. He never gave needless pain to a...
Eugene P. Dunlap
Signs of the Times
with contributions from S. G. Sherwood, A Correspondent