A Plot,
a crucifixion, darkness; then, as we read in the Gospels, a rending of the veil of the temple from top to bottom, a breaking of rocks, an earthquake—and afterwards the resurrection of the best man who ever lived, Christ Jesus! Such were the marvelous phenomena attendant upon the greatest power over crime ever demonstrated.
So have we gratefully sung of that transcendent demonstration of God's immortal law of life and love known to the world through the appearing of the Messiah.
A student
of Christian Science once found herself in a quagmire of doubt, fear, impatience, and indecision because a seemingly painful and annoying condition, which she had worked long and earnestly to overcome, showed no signs of healing or abatement.
for the first time, we leave the shelter of a quiet home and stand on the threshold of the great and busy world, is it not an occasion for rejoicing rather than for trepidation and mistrust?
it was dark, ah! that was long ago,When grief and sorrow sore oppressed the heart,And night did seem as if it ne'er would end,With willing hands they made the ointment rare,Prepared the fragrant spices sweet and pure,Their service last to him they mourned as dead;Then patiently they waited for the dawn.
Thomas C. Hollingshead, Committee on Publication for the State of Idaho,
Two letters which recently appeared in your columns have just come to my attention, and that your readers may not receive a wrong impression of what Christian Science teaches, I ask the privilege of your columns.
George C. Eames, Committee on Publication for the State of Maine,
My attention has been called to a New York dispatch published in a recent issue of your paper, which states that the founder of the New Thought Alliance held beliefs similar to those held by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science.
Except for the work on the garden wall of the new Publishing House and the laying of the gypsum block foundation for the roof tile on the penthouse of the tower, one must enter the new Publishing House to see the work that is being done.
When sending a change of address, the following points should always be included in the request: New address; old address; name of each periodical subscribed for.
When I was a child of nine years, a heavy steel door on an elevated train was closed with a great deal of force on one of my fingers, crushing it badly.
Christian Science has been my only physician for thirty years, and I wish to express my gratitude for the many healing and the joy, peace, and happiness it has brought into my experience.
I desire to acknowledge the innumerable benefits which I have experienced through reading the many inspiring and encouraging testimonies in the Christian Science periodicals.
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