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True Fasting
A student of Christian Science was greatly benefited by pondering the spiritual meaning of the word "fasting," as used in the account of Jesus' healing of the child possessed of a "dumb spirit." The disciples, we read, had been asked to "cast him out; and they could not." After witnessing the healing of the child by Christ Jesus when he "rebuked the foul spirit, saying ... come out of him, and enter no more into him," the disciples, eager to learn why they had failed, questioned their Master privately. His answer, "This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting," is applicable to-day to many of our questions as to why we sometimes fail to solve our problems quickly.
Evidently, prayer alone may not be sufficient, there must also be fasting; for Jesus plainly spoke of both prayer and fasting. From what did Jesus mean that we should fast? That question each one must ponder. To fast, as the term is commonly used, means to abstain from eating material food. Here Christian Science, the light that has come into the world through the loving, earnest labors of our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, shows us that the true meaning of the word "fasting" is a refraining from believing or accepting any suggestion of sin, disease, lack, limitation, poverty, sorrow, or death as real; for to entertain any of these suggestions would be to fail in our attempts to demonstrate the truth of being.
The true meaning of prayer is clearly given by our Leader in the first chapter of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." A sincere study of this chapter, coupled with the earnest effort to practice true fasting, will call forth added power and the ability to heal any situation quickly and completely. Slow healings may indicate that there has been insufficient fasting. We may have prayed very earnestly; but mankind does not love to fast, since this requires self-correction and self-discipline. But through true fasting we win a clearer realization of heaven—harmony.
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May 4, 1929 issue
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The Christian Science Sunday School
God Can Never Be Lost
"Not my will, but thine, be done"
True Fasting
The Day of Strength
Safe in God's Care
The contributor of "Crime News," in your "Mail Bag"...
Ralph B. Textor, Committee on Publication for the State of Ohio,
In a biographical sketch of a doctor, which appeared in...
Conrad Bernhard, Jr., Committee on Publication for the State of Maryland,
In your issue of June 22 a contributor made a facetious...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
The remarks of the author of "To-day" on the subject of...
Thomas C. Hollingshead, Committee on Publication for the State of Idaho,
The courtesy of your columns is requested for a brief...
Miss Kathleen O'Connor, Committee on Publication for Somerset, England,
In speaking of the Bible, in "Miscellaneous Writings"...
Arthur G. Lothgren, Committee on Publication for British Columbia, Canada,
Let Earth Bring Forth
Transformation not Annihilation
Albert F. Gilmore
Continuous Advance
Violet Ker Seymer
The Healing Power of God
Duncan Sinclair
I was born in Budapest, Hungary
Gizella von Waltherr
When my home was broken up in 1913 I was in a desperate...
Margaret A. James
Over twenty years ago Christian Science was presented...
Elsa F. St. John
In gratitude for all the blessings my family and I have...
Suzanne Soulié
Oh, that I might express my gratitude to God and to our...
Florence M. Scott
It is with a heart overflowing with gratitude that I send...
Sarah Burnside
It is a long time since I offered a testimony for publication...
Weber Hill Arkenburgh
It is with a deep sense of humility and unbounded gratitude...
Alice Laurence Hosack
Secret Prayer
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Frederick Lynch, A. Maude Royden, J. G. Sutherland, Allen E. Claxton, Alexander Lyons