To Know

We have often heard it said that knowledge is power; and the truth of the statement is generally accepted. In business and the professions men listen with respect, admiration, and profit to one of their number who knows whereof he speaks. Usually, men of specific knowledge hold superior positions, and men under them obey their orders in consequence, because they know that true knowledge is power and constitutes rightful authority. On the other hand, ignorance is weakness; and little can be accomplished in any line on which we are poorly informed or misinformed.

One of the old philosophers said, "I think; therefore I am." It would perhaps be truer to say, I know; therefore I am: for while it is quite possible for mortals to think erroneously, it is not possible to know erroneously, since one cannot know what is not true. What one knows about Truth, therefore, actually determines his individuality. Man being made in the image and likeness of God, his true individuality or identity is revealed only as he knows this; and through knowing it he expresses Godlike qualities.

When Job turned from the sad lament over his seemingly great misfortunes and declared, "I know that my redeemer liveth," and, "I know that thou canst do every thing," he passed from weakness to power; and it was just such positive declarations of the truth as these and the putting of them into practice that turned the tide of Job's affairs, and in the end "gave Job twice as much as he had before."

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First and Always
December 22, 1923

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