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Protected Health
What is known as "public health work" has, so far, by no means satisfied even the doctors themselves. Though many have been more or less eager to extend this work, the task has seemed, from their standpoint, enormous and the means available merely a constantly varying mass of theories and practices. County health officers, state health officers, and local health officers find their methods oftentimes in sharp conflict. The serum depended on yesterday is discarded to-day. The effectiveness of fumigation and even of quarantine is seriously questioned. Advice given to parents in one locality is the exact opposite of that in another community. In fact, the whole question of how to combat disease from a physical point of view seems an endless flux of sheer experiment. To say this is in no way to disparage the efforts of the medical men and women who are honestly seeking to do their best. Instead, it is simply to state a fact recorded in the innumerable medical journals and in the books on the subject.
To the student of Christian Science, all this difference of opinion is not surprising. The whole campaign for "public health" that is being pushed throughout the world by every sort of suggestion is based on the untenable supposition that health is a condition of a material body. It is usually an attempt to combat disease by explaining disease. Thus it is mainly an analysis of what is supposed to be diseased matter, with some speculations as to what might be improvements. Now any sincere investigation of Christian Science shows plainly that true health is the orderly activity of Mind, quite apart from belief in matter. This fact the average worker on a medical basis has ignored. Sooner or later, however, every earnest seeker is bound to discern the truth. Then zealous effort will no longer be futile, for it will be really turned in the right direction and will find its fulfillment in Principle expressed without limit.
Only as health is understood to be idea manifesting divine intelligence, is it truly conserved. Conscious reasoning in accord with intelligence is conscious spiritual vigor. It perfectly resists any suggestion of disease. The essence of Life, or Spirit itself, could never be touched by any suppositions of matter. Because Life cannot be comprehended through the physical senses, no doctor has ever determined by material analysis what constitutes resistance. With its whole activity, the one divine consciousness is indestructible. In other words, to any suggestion of destruction it presents complete resistance. Thus each one must learn for himself what the consciousness of right activity is and must prove in his own experience that this consciousness is his all-sufficient defense. Really this consciousness is not something to be gained, since it actually is right now the cause for all the true living there is. Each one, then, needs calmly to consider what his entire being consists in even now. As he does so, he goes forward with quiet assurance forever. Health, rightly understood, is purely spiritual, and cannot be assailed by any illusion of danger.
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May 8, 1920 issue
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"Quod Erat Demonstrandum"
"Experiences, testimonies, and remarks"
Expression Equals Demonstration
Nearer to Thee
In a recent issue of The Citizen you published a short report...
V. M. B. Stievenard
When to a Christian Scientist the question is submitted...
Marie Hartmann
The gentleman, "J. B.," who criticizes Christian Science,...
Peter B. Biggins
A correspondent, who writes in a recent issue, is not a...
Charles W. J. Tennant
"A murderer from the beginning"
Frederick Dixon
Protected Health
Gustavus S. Paine
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
Charles E. Jarvis
The Lectures
with contributions from Annie Bowers, Mary L. Bruce, George O. Melick, F. J. Woods, Warwick Lloyd, Harry I. Hunt, O. G. Mechem, Julia A. Dyer, Zella A. Thomas, Lee Guest, Blanche Luckey
In looking over the testimonies in one of my Sentinels I...
Lillie B. Harding
Christian Science has meant everything to me
Marie Buchanan with contributions from Jennie N. Buchanan
I first heard of Christian Science in 1896, but as it...
Garrie N. Todd
It is with a deep sense of gratitude for what Christian Science...
Helen S. Hungerford
My wife and I have been in Christian Science for more...
Marc Michot Clément
After reading the different testimonies in the Sentinel...
James H. Pickering
I now feel it a blessed opportunity to tell of the many...
Mabel L. Helder with contributions from George F. Helder
With a heart filled with gratitude for what Christian Science...
Alvina Brodersen
Right now, just as I finish reading an article in a recent...
Mabelle M. Senter
I wish to add another expression of gratitude to the many...
Lillian I. Burrus
Had it not been for Christian Science I would not be here...
Louis Schofield
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Florence Davis