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It has been my desire for some time to send a testimony...
It has been my desire for some time to send a testimony to the Sentinel as an expression of gratitude for the many blessings that I have received during a period of three years of the study of Christian Science. One of many, and also the first, blessings for which I am most grateful which brought me proof of the Science of being and the reality of Life, Truth, and Love, was the healing about three years ago of the disease known by the medical faculty as appendicitis. My condition reached such a stage that I was unable to attend to my daily work. A physician was called, and after examination he said that the only way to restore my health was through an operation. My financial circumstances did not agree with the physician's orders. A friend who worked with me advised me to take Christian Science treatment, which I did and received instant relief. Next day I returned to work; two hours later I began to feel the same pain coming back. I called on the practitioner over the telephone for help and received the answer, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." I believed those words and began to think: "What have I been believing? A lie. What is a lie? Nothing claiming to be something. What is truth? Health, Life, and Love in which you dwell," and instantly the pain disappeared, until one morning I awoke with the same pain. I reached after "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," finding the same words, "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free," and in a few moments I was free. For this beautiful healing I am indeed grateful. Christian Science has proved to be an ever present help. I can only exclaim with the psalmist, "Bless the Lord, O my soul," and may God bless Mrs. Eddy. My daily prayer is that I may attest my sincerity in daily deeds.
John Bobek, Lincoln, Neb.
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May 8, 1920 issue
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"Quod Erat Demonstrandum"
"Experiences, testimonies, and remarks"
Expression Equals Demonstration
Nearer to Thee
In a recent issue of The Citizen you published a short report...
V. M. B. Stievenard
When to a Christian Scientist the question is submitted...
Marie Hartmann
The gentleman, "J. B.," who criticizes Christian Science,...
Peter B. Biggins
A correspondent, who writes in a recent issue, is not a...
Charles W. J. Tennant
"A murderer from the beginning"
Frederick Dixon
Protected Health
Gustavus S. Paine
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
Charles E. Jarvis
The Lectures
with contributions from Annie Bowers, Mary L. Bruce, George O. Melick, F. J. Woods, Warwick Lloyd, Harry I. Hunt, O. G. Mechem, Julia A. Dyer, Zella A. Thomas, Lee Guest, Blanche Luckey
In looking over the testimonies in one of my Sentinels I...
Lillie B. Harding
Christian Science has meant everything to me
Marie Buchanan with contributions from Jennie N. Buchanan
I first heard of Christian Science in 1896, but as it...
Garrie N. Todd
It is with a deep sense of gratitude for what Christian Science...
Helen S. Hungerford
My wife and I have been in Christian Science for more...
Marc Michot Clément
After reading the different testimonies in the Sentinel...
James H. Pickering
I now feel it a blessed opportunity to tell of the many...
Mabel L. Helder with contributions from George F. Helder
With a heart filled with gratitude for what Christian Science...
Alvina Brodersen
Right now, just as I finish reading an article in a recent...
Mabelle M. Senter
I wish to add another expression of gratitude to the many...
Lillian I. Burrus
Had it not been for Christian Science I would not be here...
Louis Schofield
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Florence Davis