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"Experiences, testimonies, and remarks"
A careful study of the definitions of the words above quoted makes it quite plain what sort of talks are expected of all who take part in that portion of the Wednesday evening meetings set aside, as Mrs. Eddy says, for "experiences, testimonies, and remarks on Christian Science" (Church Manual, p. 122). A dictionary defines experience as "actual living through an event;" a synonym for testimony is "proof," and the word "remark" is explained in these words: "The mention of that which deserves attention or notice." The relating, therefore, of some experience through which one has passed in such a way as to prove that the healing was brought about through the application of the teachings of Christian Science, but eliminating all unnecessary details, would conform to the spirit of this provision.
There are of course many more definitions given for each of these words, but in none of them do we find reason for repeating entire articles from the Church Manual or any of Mrs. Eddy's works, although the quoting of a sentence or two from them or from the Bible, to illustrate a point, may prove very helpful. Of course each article, whether long or short, of our Leader's writings, is teeming with healing power, but it is not usually through hearing it repeated or through the casual reading of it that the full import of any given article is gained; but through earnest, quiet study Truth unfolds to us and blesses us.
While the Wednesday evening meetings are beneficial to all who attend, yet they are primarily for the stranger within our gates, who is perhaps in need of physical or mental healing. While he might agree to the beauty of some lengthy passage from Mrs. Eddy's books, what he wants to hear is testimony of living witnesses who have proved the practicability of applying these statements from the Bible and "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" to their everyday lives and have been made happier and healthier thereby.
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May 8, 1920 issue
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"Quod Erat Demonstrandum"
"Experiences, testimonies, and remarks"
Expression Equals Demonstration
Nearer to Thee
In a recent issue of The Citizen you published a short report...
V. M. B. Stievenard
When to a Christian Scientist the question is submitted...
Marie Hartmann
The gentleman, "J. B.," who criticizes Christian Science,...
Peter B. Biggins
A correspondent, who writes in a recent issue, is not a...
Charles W. J. Tennant
"A murderer from the beginning"
Frederick Dixon
Protected Health
Gustavus S. Paine
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
Charles E. Jarvis
The Lectures
with contributions from Annie Bowers, Mary L. Bruce, George O. Melick, F. J. Woods, Warwick Lloyd, Harry I. Hunt, O. G. Mechem, Julia A. Dyer, Zella A. Thomas, Lee Guest, Blanche Luckey
In looking over the testimonies in one of my Sentinels I...
Lillie B. Harding
Christian Science has meant everything to me
Marie Buchanan with contributions from Jennie N. Buchanan
I first heard of Christian Science in 1896, but as it...
Garrie N. Todd
It is with a deep sense of gratitude for what Christian Science...
Helen S. Hungerford
My wife and I have been in Christian Science for more...
Marc Michot Clément
After reading the different testimonies in the Sentinel...
James H. Pickering
I now feel it a blessed opportunity to tell of the many...
Mabel L. Helder with contributions from George F. Helder
With a heart filled with gratitude for what Christian Science...
Alvina Brodersen
Right now, just as I finish reading an article in a recent...
Mabelle M. Senter
I wish to add another expression of gratitude to the many...
Lillian I. Burrus
Had it not been for Christian Science I would not be here...
Louis Schofield
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Florence Davis