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"The spiritual ultimate"
Mrs. Eddy has pointed out that the passage from sense to Soul is a progressive experience. On this journey it is not always possible for the human pilgrim to choose between good and evil at every turn, rather at times the problem presented to him is to choose between a greater and a lesser evil. Of course he has chosen good as his ultimate goal, and while his every effort must be in this direction, yet frequently the ways which are open to him are not such as immediately to lead him to his journey's end. On page 28 of "Retrospection and Introspection" our Leader has written: "I had learned that thought must be spiritualized, in order to apprehend Spirit. It must become honest, unselfish, and pure, in order to have the least understanding of God in divine Science." On page 485 of Science and Health this thought is again expressed in these words: "Emerge gently from matter into Spirit. Think not to thwart the spiritual ultimate of all things, but come naturally into Spirit through better health and morals and as the result of spiritual growth."
Not only does this counsel apply to individual demonstration, but it also applies to the growth of peoples and nations. Take, for instance, the growth of those nations which have achieved democracy and freedom in any appreciable degree. In all these nations it has been necessary for some one first to be inspired with the ideal of liberty, and then to educate others into a perception of this ideal. Later, as this education has progressed, it has been possible to take a step in advance; as, for instance, the abolition of African slavery in the United States a half century ago. This was of course but a step toward the ideal visioned by our forefathers in the exalted declaration that "all men are created equal," because other phases of the same question still remain to be adjusted; for instance, the relations of capital and labor, or more definitely, the relations of employer and employee. This is a world wide question, and a definite step toward its solution will be taken only when thought has been sufficiently spiritualized to perceive a better and more righteous way than at present prevails.
Another world question of immediate importance which is in course of settlement is that known as the liquor question, or prohibition; and it is because there has been a continuous spiritualization of thought on this question that progress has been made toward the abolition of the traffic. What Christian Science has contributed to the cause of temperance has done much toward the right settlement of this question, because through its ministry thousands of men have been permanently healed of the disease of intemperance and its early symptoms of moderate and social drinking. This is verified by the testimonies given at the Wednesday evening meetings and through the Sentinel and Journal.
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July 14, 1917 issue
View Issue-
A Study of Self
The "eternal now"
"They shall not hurt nor destroy"
"Work out your own salvation"
Knowing and Loving
Perfect Reflection
In the columns of the Guardian, under the heading "Dearth of Doctors,"...
Frederick R. Rhodes
The feasibility, and even the desirability, of Christian healing...
Henry Van Arsdale
Because the evangelist now holding services in your city...
Willis D. McKinstry
The statement accredited to an evangelist in a recent issue...
Aaron E. Brandt
It may properly be said that the aversion for drugs and...
Thorwald Siegfried
The attack upon Christian Science by a clergyman is the...
Robert S. Ross
Military Service Act
The Christian Science Board of Directors
"The spiritual ultimate"
Archibald McLellan
What Is Our Desire?
Annie M. Knott
"Women and children first"
William D. McCrackan
More Appreciation
The Lectures
with contributions from Stella Atkins, B. F. West, P. L. Sisson, G. G. Weaks
Gratitude is always the keynote of the testimonies given...
Howard G. Selden
Words are inadequate to express my gratitude for the...
Lily E. Mason
Words cannot express my gratitude for the good which...
Maude Powers with contributions from Mabel E. Bratager
Christian Science came to me when I was in the depths of...
Peyton M. Harbold
I am very thankful to God for Christian Science, the...
Edith St. John Walling
Christian Science has taught me in a very practical way...
Gertrude E. Miller
It was about nine years ago that I first became interested...
Lue Reppy Sexton
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from correspondent, Lyman Abbott, Hensley Henson