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For several years before coming into Christian Science I...
For several years before coming into Christian Science I had suffered from a complication of diseases, including stomach trouble and other discordant conditions. Several physicians did all they could for me, but I received no permanent benefit. In the autumn of 1913 I was suddenly taken seriously ill. A physician was called and a drug administered to relieve my suffering. The following day another physician was called in consultation, but not much hope of my recovery was given to the family. I remained at home for about a month, and was then taken to a hospital and operated on. My condition was found to be more alarming than had been expected, and all hope of my recovery was given up. I remained in the hospital for several weeks, and a second operation was decided on in the hope that it would relieve me. Some weeks later I was removed to my home, and a few weeks afterward was taken to the home of a relative in the country, both of these moves being made on a stretcher. Another physician was called, and still another, who accepted the case very reluctantly, saying that he did not think he could help me.
I seemed to improve for a short time, then grew worse again. Another consultation and another operation followed; but I did not get any better. One of the physicians then told me that he had communicated with the St. Louis surgeon who had treated me before, and that, as another operation was advised, I had better return to the hospital. I returned to St. Louis and underwent a series of operations. During the time that had elapsed between the first operation and the last one a bad hernia had developed, and I was told I would have to be operated on again before I would be able to walk. Being advised to return to the country, I went to Palmyra, Mo. By this time I had a well developed case of tuberculosis, and as my father had passed on a few years before with this disease, I felt that the best thing I could hope for was an early death.
While I was in this frame of mind some Christian Science literature was sent to me, and I began to read it just to have something to occupy my mind a part of the time and to get away from the thought that I must soon be separated from my family. In the next few weeks I gained a little strength, and by keeping myself tightly bandaged was able to walk for a short distance. One day, while looking over the list of practitioners in the Journal, I found the name of one located only a few miles distant, and I decided to go to see her. I received my first treatment on Saturday evening, and the following day walked several blocks and attended my first Christian Science service. I remained in Hannibal until the following Thursday, when I returned to my home.
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July 14, 1917 issue
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A Study of Self
The "eternal now"
"They shall not hurt nor destroy"
"Work out your own salvation"
Knowing and Loving
Perfect Reflection
In the columns of the Guardian, under the heading "Dearth of Doctors,"...
Frederick R. Rhodes
The feasibility, and even the desirability, of Christian healing...
Henry Van Arsdale
Because the evangelist now holding services in your city...
Willis D. McKinstry
The statement accredited to an evangelist in a recent issue...
Aaron E. Brandt
It may properly be said that the aversion for drugs and...
Thorwald Siegfried
The attack upon Christian Science by a clergyman is the...
Robert S. Ross
Military Service Act
The Christian Science Board of Directors
"The spiritual ultimate"
Archibald McLellan
What Is Our Desire?
Annie M. Knott
"Women and children first"
William D. McCrackan
More Appreciation
The Lectures
with contributions from Stella Atkins, B. F. West, P. L. Sisson, G. G. Weaks
Gratitude is always the keynote of the testimonies given...
Howard G. Selden
Words are inadequate to express my gratitude for the...
Lily E. Mason
Words cannot express my gratitude for the good which...
Maude Powers with contributions from Mabel E. Bratager
Christian Science came to me when I was in the depths of...
Peyton M. Harbold
I am very thankful to God for Christian Science, the...
Edith St. John Walling
Christian Science has taught me in a very practical way...
Gertrude E. Miller
It was about nine years ago that I first became interested...
Lue Reppy Sexton
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from correspondent, Lyman Abbott, Hensley Henson