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Pictures , both material and mental, play a far greater part in the human experience than we are conscious of. No home is so humble but that on entering it one will see the thought of the inmates expressed by the pictures on their walls. There is also one picture which we are daily presenting to the world, however unconsciously, and that is our face. It registers either the degree of the sunshine of Spirit which we are reflecting or the extent to which we are dwelling in the chill atmosphere of fear and doubt.
In reading the articles on moving pictures which appear in current newspapers and magazines, we may note that each scene is rehearsed many times before the picture is actually taken. It is also true of individuals that when sitting before a camera they are careful to present a good appearance, so that the picture produced will be as free as possible from defect in outline and expression.
We know that a camera records everything before it, though a mistake made while acting may, in the interest attaching to the scene, pass unnoticed by an audience. Just so it is with the mental camera; we are always before this camera, and it is taking down our thoughts and producing mental pictures that go out either to bless or to ban mankind. Then how important it is that we practise right thinking, until our thoughts change the staging of these pictures from sin, sickness, sorrow, and discord, into peace, harmony, health, and happiness.
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July 14, 1917 issue
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A Study of Self
The "eternal now"
"They shall not hurt nor destroy"
"Work out your own salvation"
Knowing and Loving
Perfect Reflection
In the columns of the Guardian, under the heading "Dearth of Doctors,"...
Frederick R. Rhodes
The feasibility, and even the desirability, of Christian healing...
Henry Van Arsdale
Because the evangelist now holding services in your city...
Willis D. McKinstry
The statement accredited to an evangelist in a recent issue...
Aaron E. Brandt
It may properly be said that the aversion for drugs and...
Thorwald Siegfried
The attack upon Christian Science by a clergyman is the...
Robert S. Ross
Military Service Act
The Christian Science Board of Directors
"The spiritual ultimate"
Archibald McLellan
What Is Our Desire?
Annie M. Knott
"Women and children first"
William D. McCrackan
More Appreciation
The Lectures
with contributions from Stella Atkins, B. F. West, P. L. Sisson, G. G. Weaks
Gratitude is always the keynote of the testimonies given...
Howard G. Selden
Words are inadequate to express my gratitude for the...
Lily E. Mason
Words cannot express my gratitude for the good which...
Maude Powers with contributions from Mabel E. Bratager
Christian Science came to me when I was in the depths of...
Peyton M. Harbold
I am very thankful to God for Christian Science, the...
Edith St. John Walling
Christian Science has taught me in a very practical way...
Gertrude E. Miller
It was about nine years ago that I first became interested...
Lue Reppy Sexton
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from correspondent, Lyman Abbott, Hensley Henson