The selling by manufacturers of large consignments direct to chain stores, mail order houses, and department stores at prices normally charged the wholesaler and at which the manufacturer cannot profitably sell the individual small retailer, was denounced as unfair competition, according to a committee report to the recent "Liberty Convention" of the National Wholesale Grocers' Association at Chicago.
the many illuminations of the Scriptures which have come to us through the teachings of Christian Science, none perhaps is more potent for good in human affairs than the spiritual light gained from a metaphysical understanding of Paul's words in his second epistle to the Corinthians, where he says, "Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.
five different occasions the words in the prophecy of Isaiah, "They shall not hurt nor destroy," and the similar ones spoken by the Master to his disciples, "Nothing shall by any means hurt you," helped me to prove the powerlessness of a wasp's sting to cause any discord.
the writer was led to take up the study of Christian Science, the need of help seemed so urgent and real, the lack of anything practical in all that he had ever before investigated in a religious way seemed so apparent, that once the truth was found he simply lived with the Bible and Science and Health day and night.
In the columns of the Guardian, under the heading "Dearth of Doctors," there was a reference made to Christian Science which would leave the reader with the erroneous impression that the teachings of Christian Science deal merely with the question of therapeutics.
The feasibility, and even the desirability, of Christian healing is occasionally assailed, and its possibility questioned and denied by clergymen, to the surprise of the student of the Bible, who finds the Scriptures replete with instances of healing, together with the testimony of those healed and the spiritual method by which the cure was wrought.
Christian Science acknowledges God, the "great First Cause" and creator of all, as eternal Truth, and considers as absolutely true in man only that which is the expression of the Father.
The statement accredited to an evangelist in a recent issue gives one the impression that he felt called upon to say something startling against Christian Science in defense of his generally repudiated doctrine of a personal devil, and whether it had an intelligent meaning or not did not matter.
It may properly be said that the aversion for drugs and material remedies in Christian Science practice is merely an inevitable corollary to the teachings of the Bible and of Science and Health that God is indeed infinite and all powerful.
The attack upon Christian Science by a clergyman is the more regrettable because Christian Science is the renascence of the religious system which Jesus of Nazareth established about two thousand years ago and upon which the creeds of all Christian denominations claim to be based, despite the radical differences that distinguish them and despite their failure to meet Christianity's most imperative requirement, namely, the healing of the sick by spiritual means.
connection with the recent registration of those subject to military service in the United States, it is learned that in a considerable number of cases Christian Scientists have claimed exemption in three ways:.
Christian people are agreed that the Psalms are profoundly spiritual in their appeal to humanity, and that they get at the heart of things, "piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit," and discerning "the thoughts and intents of the heart," to quote from the epistle to the Hebrews.
"Having read your announcement of new prices for our periodicals in the current issue of the Sentinel, I beg to express to you my sincere gratitude for the privilege of having the Christian Science Journal, Sentinel, Monitor, Quarterly, and Der Herold at any price.
Gratitude is always the keynote of the testimonies given by students of Christian Science, but more especially of those of us whom it has lifted from a state of hopeless invalidism to strength and happiness.
For several years before coming into Christian Science I had suffered from a complication of diseases, including stomach trouble and other discordant conditions.
Christian Science has taught me in a very practical way that God is Love, and I thank God for the peace and joy that comes to my consciousness when the presence of Love is felt.
It was about nine years ago that I first became interested in Christian Science, though not for physical help, but because the teaching seemed to be what I had long wished for.
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