I wish to express my gratitude for what Christian Science...

I wish to express my gratitude for what Christian Science has done for me and my family. Eight or nine years ago I was healed of a bowel disorder which had become chronic. At the time mentioned I had an acute attack, which caused me much suffering and inconvenience. I called on a faithful Christian Science practitioner for help, and in two or three treatments I was healed. Only once since have I had a return of the trouble and that but a slight attack, which was quickly overcome in Science, and I have had no return of it since.

About the time that the above demonstration was made for me, our youngest son was taken with a fever. The symptoms were alarming and he became delirious. We sent to the same practitioner for help, and in two or three days from the time he was first taken, he was entirely healed and was able to be about as usual. This seemed wonderful to us, because, some years previous to this, I had nursed him through this same disease, which under the care of one of the best physicians had kept him in bed three months. For the many blessings Christian Science has brought us, we are truly thankful to God, and to the Discoverer of Christian Science.

Mrs. Elizabeth Carr, Hurley, S. D.

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Testimony of Healing
I write this in behalf of my mother, Mrs. Louise Dunker,...
November 6, 1909

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