I feel that the following testimonial of my gratitude is...

I feel that the following testimonial of my gratitude is due for what Christian Science has done for me and mine. Some time ago my two children strayed away from their nurse and were playing with a tank of gasoline. The oldest got himself wet with oil and called to the other for a match. He struck the match, and at once he and the five-gallon tank were in flames. The fire was quickly put out by those near, but the hair had been burned from the child's head and there was every appearance of his having inhaled flames. His screams were so loud that I was terrified and could do nothing, so I asked a friend to call up a practitioner in Jacksonville. In five minutes from the time the message was received the child was easy, and the next train brought the practitioner. In two weeks the burns, which were in many places over the child's body, were entirely healed. A doctor was called by my husband, but not a drop of medicine was used.

When "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" was first presented to me I was not sick, but was eager for the truth and read the book trustfully. In about a year from this time I had a very severe accident, and seemed to be in the "valley of the shadow of death." I prayed earnestly for help, and one night at midnight felt God's presence with me. When day dawned I was up, well and happy.

How can we ever cease to love Mrs. Eddy for having shown us the way to such understanding and peace! The half has not been told of the many blessings which have come to me during the last nine years, and words are inadequate to express my gratitude, but I can say with the psalmist, "I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I will sing praise to thy name, O thou most High."

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Testimony of Healing
My Thanksgiving season would not be complete without...
November 6, 1909

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