The Century Dictionary devotes more than a column...

Plattsburg (N. Y.) Press

The Century Dictionary devotes more than a column to the definition of the word "Christian," and I will therefore give only brief extracts therefrom as follows: "Pertaining to or derived from Christ or his teachings;" "Having adopted or believing in the religion of Christ;" "In accord with or exhibiting the spirit of the teachings of Christ;" "A believer in and follower of Jesus Christ;" "Specifically, one who possesses the spiritual character proper to a follower of Christ; one who exemplifies in his life the teachings of Christ."

One very important command of Jesus to his disciples was, "Go ye into all the world;" "Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils;" and again he said, "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also." Now, therefore, according to the dictionary definition, to be a Christian one must be spiritual and one must be a follower of the commands of Christ Jesus; and these Christian Scientists endeavor to be.

The Century gives an equal amount of space to the definition of "science," as follows: "Knowledge; comprehension or understanding of facts or principles;" "Knowledge gained by systematic observation, experiment, and reasoning." Applied science is science "when its laws are employed and exemplified in dealing with concrete phenomena." If, therefore, we have a knowledge of the Principle on which the works of Jesus were founded, and if we apply that knowledge as directed by him and do the works which he did, how can it be said that Christian Science is a misnomer?

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November 6, 1909

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