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Our Church Service
One of the great legacies from the Leader of the Christian Science movement, Mary Baker Eddy, to mankind is the Christian Science church service. Hungry hearts are fed and sick bodies are healed at the Sunday and Wednesday services. Congregational worship, characterized by spiritual understanding, provides an effectual healing power for the whole world. The services not only heal and bless the individuals who attend them, but send forth a universally regenerating influence, the beneficence of scientific prayer being measureless. Mrs. Eddy has beautifully expressed the value of prayer in the Christian Science services on page 189 of "The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany" in these words: "The silent prayers of our churches, resounding through the dim corridors of time, go forth in waves of sound, a diapason of heart-beats, vibrating from one pulpit to another and from one heart to another, till truth and love, commingling in one righteous prayer, shall encircle and cement the human race."
The world-weary find in the Christian Science Sunday and Wednesday services inspiration to press on to joys higher than those offered by materiality. They find that God, who is omnipresent good, divine Mind, supplies wisdom to guide them every step in their journey heavenward. The sick come to seek the divine truth which heals disease, and find a present reward for this seeking in their restoration to health. They feel the ever-flowing tides of divine Love encompassing their being, and are borne into spiritual realms of new and better thinking, where fear, sickness, and suffering fade away. The sinning find that God regenerates them with the sweet peace of purity, replacing the belief of pleasure in sin with the heaven-born joy of true manhood.
The services in the Christian Science churches bring out the true worship which demonstrates the healing and regenerating power of the Christ. The Lesson-Sermon, read in the Sunday services, unfolds the revelation of God's eternality and His infinite love to man. The enlightenment resulting from study of the Lesson-Sermon dissolves the human will and its destructive results through recognition of the ever-operativeness of God's will or law. The Lesson-Sermon rings forth the joyous message of good, even as the shepherds of old heard it when the angel multitude sang, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." It gives poise, peace, and strength to all who read or listen with understanding. The Word goes forth with power. The message proceeds from God, Truth, and accomplishes the divine purpose. It fills each human need as no human power can do. No attempt of evil can turn back or stultify what God is doing for the human race through the Christian Science services.
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May 2, 1936 issue
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Redemption through Divine Law
"Sacred solitude"
True Remembrance
Our Church Service
"They shall eat and shall leave thereof"
"In all points tempted"
Running Our Race
A Prayer of Faith
Sometimes an apparently inconsequential error in a quotation...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
One of your correspondents, in writing of the accounts of...
Mrs. Edith M. Ross, Committee on Publication for Hertfordshire, England,
May I have space for a reply to a letter appearing under...
George H. Kitendaugh, Committee on Publication for Jamaica, British West Indies,
From a letter dated 1892...
God-sustained Activity
Duncan Sinclair
"Which one is it?"
Violet Ker Seymer
In the Scriptures we read, "He sent his word, and healed...
Nellie Meeker Utt
It is with a grateful heart that I send this testimony
Marie Ohlbrecht
In the year 1885 my sister was healed by Christian Science...
Margaret E. Crawford with contributions from Mary Crawford King
About thirty-five years ago I attended a lecture on Christian Science
Ernest M. Quittmeyer
Desiring to bear witness to the fact that Christian Science...
Johanna L. Gass
We read in Psalms, "Let the redeemed of the Lord say so...
Arthur F. Wraight
About five years ago I first heard Christian Science mentioned...
Astrid Hallström
We often hear people testify that at one time they were...
Bruce Edward Boyd
Sweet Assurance
Signs of the Times
with contributions from A. J. Holt, Theodore G. Soares, E. B. Storr, J. L. Newland