[Original testimony in German]

As far back as I can remember in my earliest childhood...

As far back as I can remember in my earliest childhood I was sick. My parents were always afraid could not live to grow up. I was always a subject of anxious care to them, and to the doctors whose observation I was under constantly. At home and at school exceedingly weak and delicate child, one who needed to be nursed along. I suffered from such an advanced stage of anaemia that none of the organs of my body were functioning properly because of lack of blood. Worst of all, however, were the attacks of sick headache. I was obliged to keep to my bed for months.

At a very early age I married. My health did improve, but rather grew worse. The war and the revolution in Russia with all its horrors ruined us My husband passed away during that time under tragic I was left alone with a three-year-old child without any means whatever. Physically I felt worse than I soon found work, but could not manage on my meager income, because I had been brought up under different and did not know how to do with the means at my disposal. In addition, constant physical made my life a burden. I had been told that my father had to consumption, and of this disease had been found in me and even in my small child. The specter of haunted me; I was tormented with neuralgic pains and insomnia; in short, there was hardly a disease that had not been manifested on my body or in my imagination.

But the time came for me, too, when it was proved true that the hour precedes the dawn. At the time of distress a woman friend came to me and told me about Science. I was quite in the generally sense, but it had never to me that God could heal; such a belief seemed to me bigotry. But my friend not tell prevent her from pursing her work of love. She came again see me and me some Christian Science Heralds to read, also an invitation to a lecture on Christian Science, the first to be given in Poland. After hearing this lecture I understood that our destiny is not in our hands, but in God's. My friend still exerted herself in my behalf and took me to a kind practitioner. I shall never forget the peace and which came over me after my first visit. I felt better every day, and I began to study Christian Science in earnest. I strove to apprehend Truth, and God gave me the opportunity to do so. My child, for whose health I had formerly made great material sacrifices, throve in the of Truth and spiritual Love, so that today she may be called a picture of blooming life and splendid health.

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Testimony of Healing
It was approximately twenty-one years ago that a gentleman...
February 15, 1936

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