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It is several years since I came to Christian Science...
It is several years since I came to Christian Science for healing. A physician who had been giving me treatments said the ailment was ulcerated stomach. These treatments I took twice a week for about two months, when I realized that I was growing weaker daily. I was very thin, weighing only eighty-four pounds, which was at least twenty pounds less than I formerly weighed. I could eat only a very small amount of food; and as I was trying to do most of my work and to care for three little ones, I could not have stood these conditions very much longer.
One day, when I was feeling very much discouraged, I was led by the earnest entreaties of my husband to consent to Christian Science treatment. I had always been bitterly opposed to what I supposed this religion to be; but as soon as I had given my consent I felt a wonderful sense of peace and relief, as if some barrier against which I had been pushing had suddenly given way. The next day I was worse than ever and spent the day in bed. I read what Christian Science literature we had in the house, sent us by my husband's sister. I understood little, but longed to get a copy of the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, so often mentioned in this literature. A few days later I took two little children, one a heavy baby, and went to a city over three hundred miles away to the home of this sister. Strength was given me to do this. On reaching her home I was lovingly received; and the next day help was asked of a dear practitioner, and treatment was given. I was helped immediately, and that day was able to eat what was set before me. In two weeks, with the help of the practitioner, I was able to leave this home, and in a short time was stronger than ever before. I now weigh one hundred and eighteen pounds, and scarcely know what it is to be tired. I have also been healed of chronic constipation.
Other healings have come to our family. The most wonderful was the healing of my husband, who was in the last stages of tuberculosis. A doctor gave him only two weeks to live; but we thank God that the case was in the hands of the Great Physician, who never fails. He regained his health and strength in a very short time, has worked since June, 1924, at mason work, and has no sign of the old complaint.
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March 31, 1928 issue
View Issue-
The Awakening
Divine Economy
Individual Demonstration in Church Elections
Problems and Attributes
Illuminated Manuscript
It is disappointing to observe in your recent issue that a...
Hugh Stuart Campbell, Committee on Publication for the State of Illinois,
Your contributor seems to fancy that if he repeats false...
William C. Brookes, Committee on Publication for Midlothian, Scotland, in the
In an article in the sports section of the Oregonian,...
Theodore Burkhart, Committee on Publication for the State of Oregon,
In an article in your recent issue, which has just come...
Francis Lyster Jandron, Committee on Publication for the State of Michigan,
Will you kindly give me space in which to correct a wrong...
Mrs. Kathryn C. Oliver, Committee on Publication for Hawaii,
Immanuel—"God with us"
Albert F. Gilmore
"Universal fellowship"
Duncan Sinclair
Right Refreshment
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Eve Crain, William J. E. Turnbull
It is several years since I came to Christian Science...
Helen Maxson Anderson
I came into Christian Science about fifteen years ago for...
John F. Youtsey
Many proofs of the healing and regenerating power of...
Elfreda J. Harries
When I first heard of Christian Science, in 1887, I had...
Esther I. Seals
Devout Christian parents had brought up their little...
Mary Willits Freeman
I wish to express my gratitude for Christian Science and...
Hattie Hancock Hover
When Christian Science was first presented to me by a...
Nettie Burton
It is with great joy that I testify to the many blessings...
Anna K. Stewart
A true and faithful Christian does not make holy living...
Jonathan Edwards
Signs of the Times
with contributions from James D. West, Arthur Bryant Strong, E. C. Herrick