what joy we welcome the first signs of spring after the long period when Mother Earth apparently closes her doors, pulls down the shutters, and goes to sleep! Each morning the sunshine comes a little earlier with its warmth and gladness, eager to summon the world to activity.
subject of economy, as it is popularly considered and as it is taught by the schools under the name of economics, is so fundamentally based upon the assumption of limitation in all things that a student of Christian Science, upon learning that there is no limitation in any real direction, must necessarily revise his views on the subject.
a Christian Scientist sat pondering the meaning of a statement in a weekly Lesson-Sermon in the Christian Science Quarterly, it suddenly became clear that by the measurements of the holy city and the angel's cry, "Jerusalem shall be inhabited as towns without walls," is meant the limitlessness of Spirit and Spirit's creation.
me the outlook free and highOf glowing sun, of arching sky,Of soaring bird on lifted wing,Of every laughing, dancing thing,From pattering drops to waving grain,From sky to earth, and back again.
Hugh Stuart Campbell, Committee on Publication for the State of Illinois,
It is disappointing to observe in your recent issue that a speaker at a Methodist revival service condemned the doctrine of Christian Science to the extent that he was prompted to characterize it as a "masquerade" and a "big farce.
Theodore Burkhart, Committee on Publication for the State of Oregon,
In an article in the sports section of the Oregonian, a writer comments that "golfers have their pet superstitions just the same as all other athlets;" and among the accompanying illustrations is a cartoon of a golfer beside which appears the statement: "Chic Evans carries a Christian Science Bible and a four-leaf clover in his bag.
Mrs. Kathryn C. Oliver, Committee on Publication for Hawaii,
Will you kindly give me space in which to correct a wrong impression regarding Christian Science in the article "Today," in a recent issue of your paper?
To insure that complete lecture notices be printed in the Sentinel, detailed information should reach the Editorial Department regarding lectures in the United States and Canada, at least four weeks before the date of the lecture; in Great Britain and Ireland, at least five weeks before; in other European countries, at least eight weeks before.
Having suffered for six or seven years from an abdominal trouble, inflammation of inner organs, very painful and causing me much sadness and also much worry and sleeplessness, I went while I was in this state to many free medical clinics, because I was not in a position to pay.
Devout Christian parents had brought up their little family, of which I was a member, to the best of their understanding in a good old orthodox church; and true to their example I followed in their honorable footsteps.
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