"Pleasant View"!
How often has the writer happily contemplated these words in connection with the new home that is being erected in Concord, New Hampshire, by The Mother Church! What inspiration to choose for the name of this haven that which the revered Leader, Mrs.
the light of Christian Science it is easy to understand how we can love God; for Christian Science teaches us that God is infinite Love and wholly good, the perfect Mind.
Christian Science
reveals to mankind the truth that God is All-in-all, the only cause; the one and only Mind, which includes all intelligence; the divine Principle governing all existence, and including all effect.
morning while walking through the garden, my heart overflowed with love and gratitude for the plants and flowers which were growing where, the previous year, there had been only weeds and clay.
writer's attention had often been arrested by the words of the Psalmist, "Praise the Lord with harp: sing unto him with the psaltery and an instrument of ten strings.
A schoolmistress
and a few children, all eager students of Christian Science, were reading part of the Lesson-Sermon for the week before beginning the day's schooling.
Love, to feel Thee near,To see Thy harmony appearWhere error's phantom shadows goAcross earth's dreamland, to and fro,Stills every thought of human fear.
Judge Clifford P. Smith, Committee on Publication for The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts,
For your information and for the information of your readers, kindly allow me to say that the Commissioner of Health of Milwaukee has no legal power or right to compel people to be vaccinated, whether compulsion be attempted directly or indirectly.
J. Latimer Davis, Committee on Publication for the State of Iowa,
It seems quite unwarranted that asking one to rely wholly upon God, the creator and benefactor of man, should be construed as an appeal to the credulity of an individual.
Miss Esther Murray, Committee on Publication for Natal, Union of South Africa,
I feel sure that if your correspondent will read carefully the first chapter of Genesis, she will see that there is no mention made in this chapter of matter, with its usual attendants of sin, sickness, suffering, and death.
Everett P. Clark, Committee on Publication for the State of Washington,
As quoted in your recent issue, a prominent evangelist, while speaking in Yakima recently, implied that Christian Scientists hold that Christ Jesus was not the Son of God.
statements in the Bible apart from the declarations of Christ Jesus himself have brought more of comfort and balm to troubled hearts than have John's familiar words, "Now are we the sons of God.
To insure that complete lecture notices be printed in the Sentinel, detailed information should reach the Editorial Department regarding lectures in the United States and Canada, at least four weeks before the date of the lecture; in Great Britain and Ireland, at least five weeks before; in other European countries, at least eight weeks before.
When, in 1893, I turned to the teachings of Christian Science for healing, I was a martyr to chronic neuralgia in the head and face, to such an extent that my face was gradually becoming twisted.
As I look back over life's human pathway and count the golden milestone from sense to Soul, my heart fills with gratitude for the many wonderful blessings received through Christian Science.
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