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When, in 1893, I turned to the teachings of Christian Science...
When, in 1893, I turned to the teachings of Christian Science for healing, I was a martyr to chronic neuralgia in the head and face, to such an extent that my face was gradually becoming twisted. From my first visit to a Christian Science practitioner the logic, common sense, and utter lack of emotionalism of Christian Science appealed to me, and I knew I had found the religion I had been seeking. The healing of this specific disease took several years, the fear of suffering being so extreme that only gradually, as I grew in understanding, was fear eliminated and complete healing experienced. For this slow healing I have been truly thankful, as it caused me to study earnestly and unremittingly to learn the truth of God's creation as revealed in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. At one time an abscess formed at the root of one of my teeth. I called a practitioner over the telephone, and while speaking to her the abscess went away: it did not break, but disappeared.
In the winter of 1919, I had an experience that proved conclusively there is neither space nor time to God's law; that Truth is ever present, ever operative, and ever available. I was busily reading one Sunday afternoon in Oregon when a sense of danger oppressed me. My thought turned immediately to my husband, in Oakland, California. I earnestly declared God's presence and protection. In about a minute I felt a sense of relief, and knew the condition had been met. I noticed the hour, and wrote asking my husband whether he had been in any danger at that time. His answer was that at that time, just as he descended from a street car, an automobile, recklessly driven, came around the end of the car. On jumping to avoid being run over, he landed in front of an onrushing street car, which stopped so close to him that it brushed his coat. The motorman and the people who saw the occurrence were amazed that my husband was quite calm and unhurt. He said he at no time felt any fear; nor was he conscious of bodily movement—he just seemed to float from one position to the other. He realized that God's protection alone had saved him from a severe accident.
During many years' experience I have learned to rejoice in tribulation, as Paul tells us to do, knowing that each overcoming is a step upward, bringing a clearer vision, a better sense of the all-pervading nature of God's love and protection.
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February 26, 1927 issue
View Issue-
"Pleasant View"
Love to God and Man
Our Flower Garden
"An instrument of ten strings"
"Who did hinder you"?
Unchanging Love
For your information and for the information of your...
Judge Clifford P. Smith, Committee on Publication for The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts,
It seems quite unwarranted that asking one to rely...
J. Latimer Davis, Committee on Publication for the State of Iowa,
I feel sure that if your correspondent will read carefully...
Miss Esther Murray, Committee on Publication for Natal, Union of South Africa,
As quoted in your recent issue, a prominent evangelist,...
Everett P. Clark, Committee on Publication for the State of Washington,
Letters from the Field
with contributions from Anna A. Andrews, Helen M. Rolleston, Gallie W. Indermille, Fred W. Indermille
Sons of God
Albert F. Gilmore
"Set your affection on things above"
Duncan Sinclair
Faith in God versus False Responsibility
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from J. Donald Hinds, Susan F. Wilcox, Archibald H. Peck
When, in 1893, I turned to the teachings of Christian Science...
Annie Pennebaker
When Christian Science was first presented to me I was...
Elizabeth K. H. Hackett
As I look back over life's human pathway and count the...
Ora Childers Petzold
The Psalmist sang, "Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all...
Mathilda Gruening
With sincere gratitude I wish to testify to the healing...
Mildred M. Bryner
On page 322 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"...
Kathleen Cooper Pierce
When I first took up Christian Science I was a nervous...
Earl C. Willis
I would express my great gratitude for Christian Science...
Thressa A. Olsen
Words fail to express my gratitude for the blessings...
Meda E. Camden
Victory Through Truth
Signs of the Times
with contributions from J. W. McComas, Ernest Fremont Tittle, Elvet Lewis, Winston Churchill