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It is with the deepest gratitude for divine Love's ever...
It is with the deepest gratitude for divine Love's ever present goodness that I should like to tell of what Christian Science has done for me. A little more than ten years ago it seemed as if all I had looked upon as my supply was utterly to vanish. At that time a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy was lent me, and for the first time I came to know God as ever present good. From reading the first chapter I gained an entirely fresh idea of how to pray. From then on I learned how to explain much that as a trained nurse I had found utterly inexplainable in many cases. Where a condition of extreme hopelessness and despondency had seemed to be, an entirely joyous sense of activity and undaunted courage developed. What had seemed to be gloomy want and woe became opportunities for active good and love. I was greatly surprised when those I tried to tell of this wonderful truth did not seem to see it as I did; but I read Science and Health often most of the night, and rejoiced all day. As a result, glasses that I had worn constantly were laid aside one night and forgotten in the morning, never since to be used. Soon the way opened for me to go overseas. After arriving there I was taken on to the St. John's Ambulance staff, where I served till 1918. As I was often the only trained person in charge, I was given a wonderful opportunity to use my little understanding of man as God's idea, never in nor of the body, and so to keep mortal mind thoughts and suggestions away. In this I was greatly helped by a few loving Scientists I had come to know. I think we practically lived with these two thoughts uppermost: God is All, and I of myself can do nothing; the Father that worketh in us, He doeth the work. As a result, we had many unusual healings, and rejoiced in a sense of harmony and good will generally.
On leaving my position I asked for permission to resign, as the doctors had decided I was probably injured for life as the result of my years of service. I felt the need to be free, to know God as the only Lawgiver. After I had explained this to them, they finally consented to let me resign, rather than be "physically incapacitated." After my return I improved rapidly, and Love surely opened the way. While problems seem to arise, the solutions are ever possible when I am careful not to let some mortal sense of things blind me to the ever present allness and goodness of God's law.
One of the many physical healings I have had was from gallstones for which the doctor thought I should be operated on at once; in time study healed this also. Now I am striving constantly to gain the clearer and more demonstrable consciousness of the absolute allness of God, good, and His law of love. In this I have been so much helped by loving practitioners and by all our authorized literature, that I gratefully offer my testimony, hoping it may help some one else to know that to rely absolutely on good, to know God as Christ Jesus, our Way-shower, did, is to prove the nothingness of everything unlike good.
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July 3, 1926 issue
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As Mrs. Eddy Intended
"Go, stand and speak in the temple"
"Praise ye the Lord"
Cleansing of Sin
Harmony in the Sunday School
The Divine Will and the Human
The Ageless Christ
The attack on Christian Science by a clergyman (which...
Judge Clifford P. Smith, Committee on Publication for The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston Massachusetts
In regard to the evangelist's final sermon against what...
Israel Pickens, Committee on Publication for the State of Alabama,
I have read with interest in the last issue of the Herald...
Stephen J. Sametz, Committee on Publication for the Province of Manitoba, Canada,
An announcement was recently published in your paper...
Richard H. Smith, Committee on Publication for State of Montana,
In a recent issue a report was given of the anniversary...
Miss Florence B. Russell, Committee on Publication for Hampshire, England,
Letters from the Field
with contributions from Geraldine Foley-Turpin, Walter W. Morse, Nellie M. Ball
Rights—Human and Divine
Albert F. Gilmore
Gratitude and Healing
Duncan Sinclair
Business Meetings of Branch Churches
Ella W. Hoag
Robert S. Ross
The Lectures
with contributions from Charles E. Farnsworth
Realizing how very helpful the testimonies of healing...
Jennie B. Veness
It is with the deepest gratitude for divine Love's ever...
Lillian E. Dunster
I wish to express my gratitude for the Christian Science...
John Henry Femmel
I did not take up Christian Science for physical healing,...
Matilda E. Hase
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Bernard Iddings Bell, Bailey Millard