the fifth chapter of Acts is given an account of Peter's healing work, an account which contains a demonstration of understanding that is among the greatest recorded as having been performed by the apostles.
the one sick of the palsy was brought to Jesus, the insight and spiritual understanding of the great Teacher at once enabled him to bring about the true healing that the sick one needed.
all of us have heard, and many of us at one time believed, the argument that human will power is desirable, a thing to be developed as one of the assets of our personality.
of the blind, look up and see!The glory of God has shined for thee!Out of the dark has a rainbow sprung;Banners of hope have the angels flung,O'er menacing clouds that scatter and fleeBefore the fire of a single starThat burns serene on horizons afar.
Israel Pickens, Committee on Publication for the State of Alabama,
In regard to the evangelist's final sermon against what he believes Christian Science to be, he is reported in your columns as stating that Christian Scientists consider their textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, to be the "Holy Ghost," and that, therefore, this "Holy Ghost" is copyrighted.
Miss Florence B. Russell, Committee on Publication for Hampshire, England,
In a recent issue a report was given of the anniversary meetings at Richmond Hill, and a speaker is reported as classifying Christian Science with religions opposed to Christianity.
As fragrance fills the air around some spotWhere lilies bloom in loveliness and peace,Their grace and beauty speaking of the strengthThat struggles through the darkness up to light,And bears its praise and gratitude to God,So tenderness doth permeate the strengthBestowed by Spirit, and bespeaks, sweetly,Love's blossoming within a life liftedFrom soil of sense and darkness into light,A life whose joy is grounded deep in TruthAnd bears its praise and gratitude to God.
with contributions from Geraldine Foley-Turpin, Walter W. Morse, Nellie M. Ball
"It is near the end of my annual subscription to the Monitor, and I am writing in advance to ask you to carry it on and to say how much my appreciation has grown in the past year for it and the other Christian Science literature.
history of the human race deals largely with mankind's struggle to establish and retain something of the rights with which, it is held, God has endowed man.
is probably no place in all the activities of the Christian Science movement where there is a greater call for self-abnegation than in the business meetings of its branch churches.
To insure that complete lecture notices be printed in the Sentinel, detailed information should reach the Editorial Department regarding lectures in the United States and Canada, at least four weeks before the date of the lecture; in Great Britain and Ireland, at least five weeks before; in other European countries, at least eight weeks before.
In the hope of bringing encouragement to those struggling with obstinate disease, I send this testimony of the power of Christian Science Mind-healing.
Beyond the power of words to express, I am grateful for the benefits I have received and am receiving through my meager understanding of the Science of being, as taught in Christian Science.
When I was a young girl Christian Science came into our home, and through my dear father and mother I learned of this religion which blesses and heals.
It is now over nine years since I took up the study of Christian Science; and during that time divine Mind has been my only medicine, and divine Love has met my every need.
Articles from members of The Mother Church and good testimonies from those healed by Christian Science are always welcomed for consideration by the Editors.
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