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The attack on Christian Science by a clergyman (which...
Evening Post
The attack on Christian Science by a clergyman (which has been reported in the Post) recalls by contrast a statement from President Coolidge in his address at Omaha, last October. In that address the President said, "It is not easy to conceive of anything that would be more unfortunate in a community based upon the ideals of which Americans boast than any considerable development of intolerance as regards religion." Not only is intolerance contrary to religious freedom; it is nearly always a narrow expression of personal opinion based upon lack of appreciation and misapprehension.
In contrast to the personal opinion against Christian Science aggressively expressed by the clergyman, I could fill a page of the Post with opposite opinions from clergymen, physicians, and disinterested observers, who are probably much more able than he is to express a clear-minded opinion on this subject. Furthermore, his assertions amount practically to admissions that he is not correctly informed with regard to Christian Science. For instance, his assertion that this religion originated with a man named Quimby shows that he has accepted a canard which never had any basis in fact, which has been definitely refuted by independent investigators, and was involved specifically in a decision by the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Massachusetts in 1883.
Christian Science is based, fairly and squarely, on the words and the works of Christ Jesus. Before attempting to argue the supposed inconsistency between the absolute truth of being taught by Christian Science and the application of this religion to human conditions, the clergyman would better have considered that the same supposed inconsistency is presented by the four Gospels and by the rest of the New Testament. For instance, Christ Jesus said, "Call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven." Yet, he also inculcated and practiced honor and love for human parents. (Matthew 15:4; John 19:25-27.) The absolute reality or truth of being is fundamental to Christian Science, exactly as it was fundamental to original Christianity. And it is this reality or truth which explains the miracles or acts of power wrought by Christ Jesus and his early followers, and also furnishes the basis of the restoration of the same Christianity as and by Christian Science.
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July 3, 1926 issue
View Issue-
As Mrs. Eddy Intended
"Go, stand and speak in the temple"
"Praise ye the Lord"
Cleansing of Sin
Harmony in the Sunday School
The Divine Will and the Human
The Ageless Christ
The attack on Christian Science by a clergyman (which...
Judge Clifford P. Smith, Committee on Publication for The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston Massachusetts
In regard to the evangelist's final sermon against what...
Israel Pickens, Committee on Publication for the State of Alabama,
I have read with interest in the last issue of the Herald...
Stephen J. Sametz, Committee on Publication for the Province of Manitoba, Canada,
An announcement was recently published in your paper...
Richard H. Smith, Committee on Publication for State of Montana,
In a recent issue a report was given of the anniversary...
Miss Florence B. Russell, Committee on Publication for Hampshire, England,
Letters from the Field
with contributions from Geraldine Foley-Turpin, Walter W. Morse, Nellie M. Ball
Rights—Human and Divine
Albert F. Gilmore
Gratitude and Healing
Duncan Sinclair
Business Meetings of Branch Churches
Ella W. Hoag
Robert S. Ross
The Lectures
with contributions from Charles E. Farnsworth
Realizing how very helpful the testimonies of healing...
Jennie B. Veness
It is with the deepest gratitude for divine Love's ever...
Lillian E. Dunster
I wish to express my gratitude for the Christian Science...
John Henry Femmel
I did not take up Christian Science for physical healing,...
Matilda E. Hase
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Bernard Iddings Bell, Bailey Millard