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I did not take up Christian Science for physical healing,...
I did not take up Christian Science for physical healing, although I was in need of it. I took up its study because I wanted to be a real Christian. Christian Science has taught me the rule of healing that Jesus used. I had been a sufferer for nearly forty years from sick headaches, but had become submissive to this condition because the doctors said there was no cure. Because I had lost my faith in materia medica, I burned the last powders which I bought. I firmly believed, however, that the time would come when the doctors would find a remedy for every ill. But when Christian Science was presented to me, I realized that "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy contained the one remedy for all discordant conditions. Through the study of its teachings I have been healed of sick headaches, rheumatism, scalds, influenza, stroke, ingrowing toenail, appendicitis, felon, and many other ills, too numerous to mention. The healing of sick headaches came instantaneously. I was healed of appendicitis in a few hours by the reading of Hymn 197, beginning, "O gentle presence, peace and joy and power," the words of which were written by Mrs. Eddy and which appear on page 4 of her Poems. Influenza was so thoroughly overcome that I was able to give service in my home town during the war to many soldiers and others suffering from this difficulty. I am indeed grateful to God for providing such a clear channel for truth as Mrs. Eddy, through whose consecrated effort humanity is being freed.
Christian Science is a help to me every day of my life. I listen for the voice of Truth to guide, govern, and direct me; and I have had many wonderful proofs that God does guide. Many times have beautiful opportunities for service presented themselves because I was listening for His voice and ready to obey. I am grateful for all that Christian Science has done and is doing in the world to-day.
(Mrs.) Matilda E. Hase, Lawrence, Kansas.
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July 3, 1926 issue
View Issue-
As Mrs. Eddy Intended
"Go, stand and speak in the temple"
"Praise ye the Lord"
Cleansing of Sin
Harmony in the Sunday School
The Divine Will and the Human
The Ageless Christ
The attack on Christian Science by a clergyman (which...
Judge Clifford P. Smith, Committee on Publication for The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston Massachusetts
In regard to the evangelist's final sermon against what...
Israel Pickens, Committee on Publication for the State of Alabama,
I have read with interest in the last issue of the Herald...
Stephen J. Sametz, Committee on Publication for the Province of Manitoba, Canada,
An announcement was recently published in your paper...
Richard H. Smith, Committee on Publication for State of Montana,
In a recent issue a report was given of the anniversary...
Miss Florence B. Russell, Committee on Publication for Hampshire, England,
Letters from the Field
with contributions from Geraldine Foley-Turpin, Walter W. Morse, Nellie M. Ball
Rights—Human and Divine
Albert F. Gilmore
Gratitude and Healing
Duncan Sinclair
Business Meetings of Branch Churches
Ella W. Hoag
Robert S. Ross
The Lectures
with contributions from Charles E. Farnsworth
Realizing how very helpful the testimonies of healing...
Jennie B. Veness
It is with the deepest gratitude for divine Love's ever...
Lillian E. Dunster
I wish to express my gratitude for the Christian Science...
John Henry Femmel
I did not take up Christian Science for physical healing,...
Matilda E. Hase
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Bernard Iddings Bell, Bailey Millard