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Cleansing of Sin
When the one sick of the palsy was brought to Jesus, the insight and spiritual understanding of the great Teacher at once enabled him to bring about the true healing that the sick one needed. His first words were, "Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee." Jesus saw not a hardened sinner, but one whose sins had brought him suffering; and he knew that what was primarily needed was a wiping out of the belief that the real man is ever capable of sin.
This wiping out of the belief in the reality and necessity of sin Jesus divinely accomplished instantaneously; and the simple words, "Thy sins be forgiven thee," but faintly portray the tremendous unfoldment of the spotless purity of God, good, that took place in the thinking of the sick man as Jesus beheld the spiritual, real man, sinless and perfect. The result was that the sufferer's sins were actually forgiven or destroyed. He was no longer bound by sin, and was also free from regret, remorse, and suffering. He was cleansed and purified. That was forgiveness.
The effect of Christ, Truth, coming to us is like the rolling back of dark, thick clouds. Down the centuries, through prophets and seers, the Word of God has been spoken; and from the beginning of time the message of Love has been growing clearer and clearer, more comprehensible and more readily available for the sick and sinful, until in our own time we see its acceptance and application by thousands of men and women, purifying and elevating every form of human endeavor. Religion has now, through Christian Science, become a practical and necessary joy in multitudes of house holds; and this, because of the enlightenment that has come to the world in comparatively recent years through the interpretations of Scripture and the works of Mary Baker Eddy, who has revealed and proved the truth about God and man. Those who have studied and who understand her teaching are able to prove in some measure the truth of her discovery.
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July 3, 1926 issue
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As Mrs. Eddy Intended
"Go, stand and speak in the temple"
"Praise ye the Lord"
Cleansing of Sin
Harmony in the Sunday School
The Divine Will and the Human
The Ageless Christ
The attack on Christian Science by a clergyman (which...
Judge Clifford P. Smith, Committee on Publication for The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston Massachusetts
In regard to the evangelist's final sermon against what...
Israel Pickens, Committee on Publication for the State of Alabama,
I have read with interest in the last issue of the Herald...
Stephen J. Sametz, Committee on Publication for the Province of Manitoba, Canada,
An announcement was recently published in your paper...
Richard H. Smith, Committee on Publication for State of Montana,
In a recent issue a report was given of the anniversary...
Miss Florence B. Russell, Committee on Publication for Hampshire, England,
Letters from the Field
with contributions from Geraldine Foley-Turpin, Walter W. Morse, Nellie M. Ball
Rights—Human and Divine
Albert F. Gilmore
Gratitude and Healing
Duncan Sinclair
Business Meetings of Branch Churches
Ella W. Hoag
Robert S. Ross
The Lectures
with contributions from Charles E. Farnsworth
Realizing how very helpful the testimonies of healing...
Jennie B. Veness
It is with the deepest gratitude for divine Love's ever...
Lillian E. Dunster
I wish to express my gratitude for the Christian Science...
John Henry Femmel
I did not take up Christian Science for physical healing,...
Matilda E. Hase
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Bernard Iddings Bell, Bailey Millard