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"Use hospitality"
So much help and light were recently received by the writer from the words of Peter, "Use hospitality one to another without grudging," that she desires to share the blessing with others. The writer grew to young womanhood in a country where hospitality among neighbors is practiced to a marked extent, and as she compared this sense of hospitality with the greater understanding and deeper meaning of the word gained through the study of Christian Science, the thought came: We Christian Scientists ought to be the most hospitable people on earth! And why? Because through the understanding which Christian Science has brought to us of perfect God, perfect man, and perfect creation, combined with the knowledge of the practical way to demonstrate this truth in every line of right human activity as well as in the healing of sickness and sin and binding up the wounds of the broken-hearted, we always have in our home—consciousness—sufficient supply to feed, nourish, or care for lovingly every guest that comes to us for help or comfort.
With our mental larder filled with thoughts of Truth and Love gleaned from the Bible, from "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and from the other writings of our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, combined with our Christian Science literature, we are always well supplied to meet any call that may come to us. If it is sickness, we know the truth as taught in Christian Science and can at once begin to give spiritually to the suffering one what we have learned of the truth of being in regard to man and his God-given dominion over the seeming condition. If it is sin, we can also know that our knowledge of man as God sees him is sufficient to break the dream of pleasure in sin by giving the understanding that "man's wisdom finds no satisfaction in sin, since God has sentenced sin to suffer" (Science and Health, p. 322), and then pouring in the truth as to what really satisfies man, we find we have fed a hungry wanderer who has come to our door asking for food. The sorrowful, the broken-hearted, the lonely, all find comfort and peace where Truth is understood, because the realization of God as Love is potent to comfort, heal, and bless. In our thought for our beloved cause, the workers at headquarters, our churches, teachers, practitioners, and church members, as well as the attendants at our Wednesday evening meetings, in the giving of testimonies of healing in these meetings and through the pages of our periodicals,—in all these ways there is wonderful opportunity for constantly practicing this higher sense of hospitality which will bring a blessing to all. Let us give of the best we have to each other and to all mankind, and let us do it "without grudging" as Peter urges us to do,—do it with the glad heart and ready hand with which one naturally gives of his best to a dearly loved relative or friend, "as good stewards of the manifold grace of God."
What a wonderful opportunity the students of Christian Science have to help each other and our cause if we will only use our hospitality along all lines. Think of the joy we shall find in this way of working, because there is always freedom, gladness, and love where true understanding predominates. We all know how much we love humanly to be with hospitable people, and so as we develop more and more the qualities of love, joy, and harmony, we shall be well fitted to feed and comfort all who desire the blessing of Truth.
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June 5, 1920 issue
View Issue-
The Gathering of the People
Practice and Theory
Arguments of Self-deception Unreal
"Use hospitality"
Right Results
"Excellency of speech"
Be Joyful
The Unreality of Evil
Frederick Dixon
Going Forward
Gustavus S. Paine
Lead Thy Captivity Captive
The Lectures
with contributions from Soren A. Thorensen, Ellen Beach Yaw, Eric Carr, W. Taylor Stone, C. F. Dewey, C. A. Clark, William D. Fenner, Elmore S. Vickery, Walter L. Anderson, May Barris, Anna Robinson
I write this testimony with deep gratitude to God and to...
Jessie Alice Grant with contributions from G. H. Grant
I have many reasons for gratitude to Christian Science
Josephine Blanchard
I did not come into Christian Science for myself, but for...
Kate A. French
Christian Science has been my ever present help for a...
Evelyn Swenson
In the spring of the year 1914 I was so ill that I felt...
Walter W. Moberg
I would like to add my testimony to the many grateful...
Eva M. Boston
I gratefully add my testimony to the multitude already...
A. H. Townsend
I wish to express my gratitude for what Christian Science...
Kathryn Merchant
Words fail to express my gratitude for the many beautiful...
Harold I. Farr
I wish to express my gratitude for Christian Science
Oma F. Kline
In the year 1917 I was physically ill and was made...
Lizzie Vollman
Christian Science has brought such an abundance of...
Bessie Henrichs
Many times, as I have feasted upon these messages of...
Gertrude P. Phelps
Seven years ago I was led to see the great good to be...
Evie Pearson Baird
Life, Truth, Love
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Irving Fisher, David H. Fouse