In a recent issue of the Anglo-Norwegian Trade Journal, a writer states that no country in the world has, in proportion to its population, so large a mercantile fleet as Norway.
Christian Scientists
are sometimes held to be narrow in their views, because they confine their study of the Science of being to the authorized literature of the movement, instead of reading promiscuously the works of authors of varying shades of belief.
beginning the study of Christian Science, I was confronted with the fear that this religion might not be right, might not emanate from a good source.
A Sunday
school teacher was called upon to teach a class of boys of almost high school age who were just beginning to attend the Christian Science Sunday school.
I had to take a sea journey of two days, and as I had always suffered severely on such occasions before I knew of Christian Science, this experience was of great value and help to me.
It will not do for the uninitiated, the casualist, to pass criticism and present the assumption that there is fakism or superficiality in the doctrine of Christian Science.
As you have given space to a statement of the opposition to the bill in the New York legislature legalizing the practice of Christian Science, kindly allow room for a statement from a Christian Scientist.
A sincere study of Christian Science is attended by a marked spiritual uplift and moral regeneration which is freely acknowledged and commented upon by all classes of people who are in a position to observe and know.
It is not altogether a pleasing spectacle to witness the denunciation of the followers of one Christian religion by another of that faith, even though there may be differences on certain doctrinal points.
Adverting to a review in a recent issue of News of the Week, in the course of which reference was incidentally made to the Christian Science religion as characterized in large degree by an exaltation of thought produced by mental concentration and resulting in a form of autohypnosis, David Anderson writes:—
statements to the contrary which have been made by enemies of Christian Science, the attitude of the followers of this religion toward other churches has ever been one of brotherly love, kindness, and consideration.
As the seasons come and go, we have many reminders that their deepest lessons lift thought out of materiality and bid us lay hold upon things spiritual and eternal.
The advent of Christian Science into the life of a young man, especially at an early age, is the greatest experience he can have, for it is of more value than all the other things he may gain.
I wish to express my gratitude for the benefit I have received through Christian Science in the healing of a rupture, from which I had suffered since birth.
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