I wish to express my gratitude for the benefit I have...

I wish to express my gratitude for the benefit I have received through Christian Science in the healing of a rupture, from which I had suffered since birth. I had grown quite discouraged with the thought of not being so strong as other boys, and not being so tall as I thought I should be. My mother heard of Christian Science from a friend who had been healed of chronic bowel trouble. She wrote to a Christian Science practitioner and asked her to treat me. Then we went to see this practitioner and inquired what she wanted me to do. She said that I should take off the support, but we both declared I could not do that, so she told me to remove it as soon as I felt that I could. In about ten days I took it off and found I was entirely healed. I could do all kinds of farm work and ride on horseback, something I had not been able to do.

My healing has been permanent, as several years have passed and I am still strong and healthy in every way, and thankful to God, through whom I was healed. I am grateful to Mrs. Eddy for giving us this wonderful truth, which is healing and blessing all who come to it with a sincere desire for good.—C. R. Richmond, Dallas Center, Iowa.

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April 17, 1915

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