Frequently the editors of the Sentinel are asked to write on various subjects, the elucidation of which their correspondents believe to be necessary to the upbuilding of the Christian Science movement in some particular place, and while the editors are glad to be of such service as they can, it should not be expected that they will undertake to comply with all these requests, or even a great number of them. Many of the questions pertain solely to the local conditions surrounding the work of the questioner, and frequently they are of such a nature as to render an answer impossible by one who does not know both sides of the contention—for usually there is a contention back of these questions.

The Bible, Science and Health, the Church Manual, and other writings of our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, if thoroughly studied and their teachings and rules put into practice, are sufficient guides for the solving of the thousand and one questions which come up in the management of branch churches, Sunday Schools, and reading-rooms, as well as for the proper conduct of practitioners and church-members. Christian Scientists are in possession of these books, and they are free to consult them at any time; in fact, it is their duty to consult them, and thereby be able to work out their own salvation.

The Christian Scientist who wishes to heal the sick—whether himself or his neighbor—must be so familiar with the text-book, Science and Health, that he can apply the rule and destroy the false claim, whatever it may be, and a moment's consideration will show him that all the other claims of discord which come to him for betterment are so similar that he needs only to apply precisely the same rules as he would in a case of sickness. There is just one thing to be done in any and every instance, and that is to demonstrate the Principle of Christian Science.

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July 17, 1909

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