[Translated from the German.]

Having often had the opportunity to prove the healing...

Having often had the opportunity to prove the healing power of Christian Science, I am sending these words in its praise, and for the honor of God. My nephew, a lad seventeen years old, who has been brought up in my home, was healed of an ever-recurring eye difficulty, lung trouble, fainting-spells, etc., and for the last few years has been healthy and strong. My son, who is a devoted football player, gets injured now and then, and has always been healed through Christian Science. Formerly I used to suffer a good deal from lung trouble, but now I am able, through spiritual understanding, to overcome this complaint, as well as others, as soon as indications appear. My sister has been freed from stomach and rheumatic disorders; her daughter, from eye affection and other ills.

Christian Science has also proved a blessing to me in the business line; and I thank God with all my heart for His gracious help, and Mrs. Eddy for her discovery.

Frau Lang, Veltheim, Ct. Zurich, Switzerland.

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Testimony of Healing
Since I became interested in Christian Science it has been...
July 17, 1909

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