I wish to express my gratitude for the healing of my...

I wish to express my gratitude for the healing of my boy through Christian Science treatment, after his case had been pronounced hopeless by the physicians. From childhood he was said to have weak lungs, and he also showed sings of mental weakness, at times suffering from nervous attacks bordering on insanity. He was under the care of physicians a great deal of the time, but instead of improving his condition grew gradually worse, until about four years ago, when he was declared to be suffering from an affection of the lungs in its worst form. Every available remedy was tried, but none of them afforded any help. After a consultation of physicians, and when all hope was given up, a friend advised that we try Christian Science. A practitioner was consulted, and in a short time after the treatment began the boy commenced to improve. In about two months he was entirely healed physically, also greatly improved mentally. Since his healing he has worked the greater part of the time, which he was never able to do before.

I cannot express in words my gratitude for this proof which Christian Science has given us, that God is "a very present help in trouble."

Manda Harris, Richmond, Ky.

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Testimony of Healing
The first real, earnest religious faith that shall arise...
July 17, 1909

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