The attack of an Eastern clergyman upon Christian Scientists...

Niles (Mich.) Daily Sun

The attack of an Eastern clergyman upon Christian Scientists, must cause the dispassionate thinking reader to wonder how one claiming to be a follower of the Christ could be able to reconcile such statements with the teaching he professes to believe. The gentleman says he has "made careful study of the so-called Christian Science, because he loves the truth and seeks it." That there are those who cannot or will not understand the religion, does not change the fact that Christian Science has proved the right to this title in millions of instances.

Our reverend critic says he is "a Christian Scientist in the true definition of the term," as he "believes in both Christ and science." In his wonderful chapter on faith St. James said to some of the believers of his time, "Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?" How much does this minister "believe in Christ"? Jesus said plainly, "He that believeth on [understandeth] me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." Here, then, is the proof of "belief" laid down. Is our brother living up to his light and doing these works? If not, why malign those who are so doing?

The gentleman says he "believes in science in its true sense." The definition of "science," according to the dictionary authories, is, "Knowledge; that which knows." Then, logically speaking, Christian Science means knowledge of the Christ. Granting this statement to be true, is there any better proof of that knowledge than by doing the works that Christ did? What would be thought of the individual who would stand before an audience and assert, "I am a believer in mathematics," and still not be able to demonstrate the problems in its science, while berating others who are doing them?

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