Secretary Root has been in correspondence with Governor Taft regarding the construction of a system of railroads in the Philippine Islands, amounting to some six hundred miles.
is the nature of every metaphysical truth that when it is superficially studied it excites doubt, and may even seem to be self-contradictory and absurd; but when thoroughly weighed and tested it dispels doubt and converts the apparent self-contradictions and absurdities into additional proofs of its trustworthiness; and this for the reason that all true philosophy can never be found at fault in the slightest particular when the square and compass of pure logic are applied to it.
the study and practice of Christian Science we are enabled to remove, little by little, the sense of limitation which has in so many ways prevented us from realizing that "the kingdom of heaven is at hand" and that "now are we the Sons of God.
searching for the "Promised Land" is it not a frequent experience to find ourselves reverting in memory to the "fleshpots of Egypt," as we encounter new and severer trials?
Christian Scientists of this state are pleased to chronicle the defeat of another legislative bill purposing to prohibit the practice of Christian Science.
reigns! Dear friend,Be not discouraged nor repine;But lifting thought and word and deed aloft,Give thanks with grateful heart For Love divine.
This summer in particular has been so full of blessings, that I can no longer refrain from expressing, in a simple way, my deep and loving gratitude for all that Christian Science has brought to me.
Eight years previous to my acquaintance with Christian Science, I was almost a constant sufferer with weak lungs, liver complaint, ulceration of the stomach, and rheumatism.
I have intended for some time to send in my testimony relative to my eyes, and I now submit it for the encouragement of those suffering from similar troubles.
The government of ever-present Intelligence, or "God with us," is demonstrated almost daily by the children of our family, they being fully alive to the fact that Christian Science is their best guide.
As I have received much benefit from the Christian Science Sentinel and Journal, I would like to tell the Field, that I was healed from poor eyesight through the understanding gained in reading these periodicals.
with contributions from Joseph Armstrong, Stephen A. Chase, Harriet McEwen Kimball
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