Over twenty-five years ago, while...

Over twenty-five years ago, while living in the Pacific Islands, I was led to turn to Christian Science, and since then it has been my guide, physician, and friend. When my husband and younger daughter passed on within two years of each other and my grief seemed more than I could bear, Christian Science comforted me and kept me in good health. There were many decisions for me to make and much business responsibility to shoulder. I had never done such things before, but with the help of a Christian Science practitioner in another country I was wonderfully sustained.

I should like to share an experience that my schoolgirl daughter and I had during World War II. We were traveling from Australia to New Zealand by seaplane. When we were about halfway across the Tasman Sea, we encountered a very severe storm, and our plane was in difficulty. One engine stopped completely, and another threatened to do so at any moment.

We had to keep our life jackets on, and all our luggage was stacked ready to be thrown out to lighten the plane if necessary. My daughter and I immediately turned wholeheartedly to God, our Father-Mother, and declared His allness and love in order that we might feel the security of His everlasting arms forever upholding His beloved universe. We denied the possibility of any disaster or inharmony in His kingdom, which we knew to be right where we really were at that very moment. My daughter's perfect confidence in God and her expression of what she had learned in the Christian Science Sunday School gave me the greatest help.

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Testimony of Healing
It is with deep gratitude for the...
April 27, 1957

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