dismiss discomfort or disease with the authority born of spiritual understanding is possible for anyone who will accurately follow the teachings of Christian Science.
Christian Science
lectures are designed to correct, instruct, heal, and bless men by revealing to them something of the governing divine Principle, God.
A Young
girl who had just had a healing of a cold through the application of Christian Science, was preparing to shampoo her hair when her mother cautioned: "I wouldn't shampoo my hair for a while, if I were you.
is our home now in the degree we understand that only Love is Life, and that the one real universe, including all individual expressions of Life, is Love's manifestation.
The printed Tenets of The Mother Church are in general use by branch churches and societies, either as a basis for their application forms for admission to membership or for binding into their by-law booklets.
Quite frequently cheeks and money orders are received by the Publishing Society with nothing to indicate whether the remittance is to be applied to subscriptions, advertising, or Journal cards, to mention a few of our accounts.
In the National Library in Mexico City, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" be Mary Baker Eddy, in French and German editions, as well as in English, and biographies of Mrs.
Almost thirty years ago I had my first treatment from a Christian Science practitioner, and the result was so marked and seemed so miraculous that I have been earnestly following the light of this truth ever since.
I sincerely probe my sense of manTo rout the knowledge gained from mortal mind,How gladly do I set to work to banThe false suggestions Love has not defined.
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