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"For a victory over evil"
"The devotion of thought to an honest achievement makes the achievement possible," Mary Baker Eddy writes in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 199). Christian Scientists know that they need have no limited sense of the achievements possible in this way. They recognize that the great task on which all men are entitled to be engaged is that of establishing heaven, harmony, on earth; and thought, they see, can make every step of the way to this high goal plain and practicable. Obviously, such steps, such progressive proofs of the availability of good, must come in many fields, of endeavor; but Christian Science shows that they can come, even in the present world situation, wherever men are.
It is essential, of course, that men's motives be right. Christian Science offers no encouragement to those who are seeking something different from the reign of righteousness—no encouragement except that by turning from such aims they can be truly blessed. But for those who are striving in the right direction, the encouragement of this Science is direct and unlimited. Whether they are soldiers, sailors, or airmen; whether their work is over a drafting board, at a lathe, or in a mine; whether as statesmen or military commanders they have decisions to make that will affect many millions of their fellows, Christian Science assures them that there is a way to do the tasks before them surpassingly well, and to be blessed themselves in doing them.
The basis of this teaching, which a multitude of people in many callings are already proving true, is of the greatest interest to everyone. It is the fact that in his real nature no one is inadequate. The actual spiritual selfhood of every individual is one with infinite Mind, omniscience and omnipotence—the Mind which is God—and expresses this Mind without limitation. In his true being, therefore, everyone has the enlightenment he needs. He has likewise the resourcefulness and resources he needs. He is not limited in wisdom, love, confidence, power, or any other attribute of the one divine intelligence; and he is therefore perfectly competent and perfectly secure.
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November 15, 1941 issue
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Peace on Earth
Mastering the Situation
"As the small rain"
Teaching in the Sunday School
"The forts of Christian Science"
"Lift up a standard"
Though Christian Scientists respect the devotion and...
Paymaster Captain Paul Heather, Committee on Publication for Sussex, England,
One of your issues of recent date carries a veiled reference...
B. Palmer Lewis, Committee on Publication for the State of New York,
In a recent issue, a leading news article carried this...
Austin E. Page, Committee on Publication for the State of New Hampshire,
Promptness versus Procrastination
George Shaw Cook
"For a victory over evil"
Alfred Pittman
The Lectures
with contributions from Margaret Crawford
It is with the greatest joy that I acknowledge the constant...
Helen Greenewald Craven
With gratitude for having been led, some years ago, to...
Muriel Jowett Macomber
About seventeen years ago I became interested in Christian Science...
Anton J. Schwartz
In Psalms we read: "They cried unto the Lord in their...
Esther M. Johnson
"I thank Thee, Father, I thank Thee."
Reba Rickert
While walking as it seemed in "the valley of the shadow...
Juanita Owen Kent
"Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift" is a...
John Matthew Moir with contributions from Ethel Moir
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Calvin C. Rittenhouse, Griswold Williams, S. P. Goodge, Jacob A. Winsterstein