In one afternoon I experienced a healing of a complete...

In one afternoon I experienced a healing of a complete narvous breakdown of one year's standing. One of my friends who is a student of Christian Science had often talked to me about this Science, but apparently without any effect. He finally persuaded me to visit a Christian Science practitioner. The result of this visit was an instantaneous healing.

On leaving the practitioner's office that afternoon I was conscious of a new life which gave me a mental and physical freedom I had not known before. The clear understanding the practitioner possessed of God and His idea, man, regenerated me. For the first time in a year I enjoyed a hearty dinner, and I slept peacefully that night. In the same week which marked the passing of the narvous breakdown, the smoking habit disappeared, although no special work was done for it. From that time on I have not used tobacco in any form.

The trouble I had experienced was caused by a business upheaval similar to that which we have been going through for the past few years. This one occurred in 1921, and left me penniless. False pride had played a part in preventing my working for others, but this also was quickly healed when I took up Christian Science. In a few days I obtained employment with a firm with whom for some years previous I had been associated in a most pleasant and profitable way.

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Testimony of Healing
In sincere gratitude for what Christian Science has done...
September 21, 1935

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