I thank God daily for the wonderful unfolding of His law

I thank God daily for the wonderful unfolding of His law. I have had many beautiful experiences, which have proved to me that God exists. In January, 1926, I slipped on the wet grass and fell with my weight on the right foot. There were two loud cracks and when I looked down at my leg I saw a bone protruding at the side. I then looked up and away into Truth and Love, and had a vision of the perfect, spiritual, indestructible, eternal man. I felt excruciating pain and had a confused thought of how I was going to get into the house. I cried out, "O God, help me!" I managed to get into the house and on to a couch in the breakfast room. Then my son came in and asked what was wrong. I replied that I had broken my leg. He called a practitioner and asked for a Christian Science treatment. The practitioner telephoned about three hours later. I crawled to the telephone, and when she had been told what had happened, she said, "Well, it has not broken your spiritual understanding." I then thought of Paul and Silas — how they were in prison, their feet fast in the stocks, and how they prayed and sang until they were released; and I knew I had to do likewise. In just a fortnight and four days I was able to attend a meeting at church. I did not have a surgeon set my leg; Mind alone did that. For all the love expressed, and for the practitioner's help, words fail to express my gratitude.—(Mrs.) Edith Elson Parsons, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

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Testimony of Healing
I desire to give praise and gratitude for Christian Science
March 1, 1930

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