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[Written for the Sentinel]
"He that overcometh"
Jesus fasted in the wilderness
And prayed for strength, the tempter came to him
Prepared to overcome the pure in heart,
And murmured, knowing him to be an hungered:
If it be true thou art the Son of God,
Command these stones that they be turned to bread,
For truly thou hast fasted long enough.
But Jesus mused, knowing the tempter's voice,
And said man shall not live by bread alone
But by God's Word. Then Satan could not answer,
But took him up into the holy city,
And from the temple's mighty pinnacle
Looked, crying: If thou be the Son of God,
Cast thyself down; for hath it not been said,
He gives His angels charge to keep thee safe
And bear thee always, lest at any time
Thou dash thy foot against a cruel stone?
But Jesus, knowing well whereof he spoke,
Answered him in like manner: It is written
Of old, thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.
Then to the summit of the utmost mountain
Satan, resolved to win him, made his way
And pointed out the kingdoms of the world,
Lying in splendor half a league below—
Damascus, and the towers of Judea,
Glittering in the radiance of day—
And said, These will I give thee for thine own
If thou wilt but fall down and worship me.
But Jesus, turning from the panorama
Of earthly power and splendor, knew the voice
For what it was, knew that he could not fear
Who served one master, good, and one alone.
Strength lifted him. Thou Satan, get thee hence!
I tell thee it is written, thou shalt serve
The Lord thy God, and worship none beside.
The word was scarcely spoken till the one
Who tempted him had vanished without trace,
Like darkness fleeing at the touch of light;
And Jesus stood alone—yet not alone,
For angels, holy concepts winged with love,
Appeared, as gentle ministers of heaven,
And all the air was swiftly purified
In that still spot where Jesus knelt and prayed.
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March 1, 1930 issue
View Issue-
True Appreciation
"Receive thy sight"
Above the Clouds
Returning to the Father
Looking Upward
Sunday School Opportunities
"He that overcometh"
A few lines regarding Christian Science, intended to be...
Kellogg Patton, Committee on Publication for the State of Wisconsin,
Christian Science cannot properly be classified under...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
Under the heading "Burris Jenkins Says," in your issue...
Gordon V. Comer, Committee on Publication for the State of Colorado,
Your readers will be interested to know that the office...
Caleb P. Francis, Committee on Publication for Shropshire, England,
May I refer very briefly to a criticism in the issue of...
Arthur E. Blainey, Committee on Publication for the Province of Ontario, Canada,
Clifford P. Smith
"Cheerful feasts"
Violet Ker Seymer
Divine Healing
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Bella Mabury
I am grateful to God for Christian Science, for I have...
Winifred Wold Reed
"Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh."...
Walter M. Browne
For many years Christian Science has been my only remedy...
Florrie A. Ashcroft
In counting over some of the blessings which have come...
Florence M. Tate with contributions from John H. Tate
Christian Science was first recognized in our home when...
Bernice I. Emanuel
I thank God daily for the wonderful unfolding of His law
Edith Elson Parsons
I desire to give praise and gratitude for Christian Science
Gertrude Rindall Pruden
Many blessings have come to me through the study of...
Ida Mae Hawks
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Elmer Ellsworth Brown, Albert Field Gilmore, H. P. Scratchley, Marion D. Shutter, James Harold More, Stanley Baldwin, W. Gage