Christian Science cannot properly be classified under...


Christian Science cannot properly be classified under "the modern Babel of misbeliefs," as mistakenly implied by a reader's letter in your issue of November 1; nor does it bear any similarity to the other systems with which it was grouped by your correspondent. That Christian Science is the Christian religion is proved by its conformity to the teachings and practice of Christ Jesus, who said, "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." Christian Science is based upon the inspired Word of the Bible, and it utilizes the spiritual instruction of the Bible to destroy moral and physical discords. Multitudes testify gratefully to its healing and regenerative capacity.

The adherents of Christian Science are active in promoting prohibition, in extending good will among nations, and in advancing righteous activities; and they gladly cooperate with the followers of other religions in all ways that tend to increase the spirituality of mankind. This cooperation is consistent with the instruction of Mary Baker Eddy, "Love all Christian churches for the gospel's sake; and be exceedingly glad that the churches are united in purpose, if not in method, to close the war between flesh and Spirit, and to fight the good fight till God's will be witnessed and done on earth as in heaven" (Christian Science versus Pantheism, p. 13).

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