
IT was nest-building season, and an oriole had discovered a piece of string in the woodbine vine which draped the porch. After several vain attempts to secure the choice material while on the wing, the bird perched on a twig near by and began systematically to liberate the string which was entangled in the vine. Calmly and courageously the little builder labored on. Pulling gently here and vigorously tugging there, he changed his position as necessity required, unmindful that at times the work was being done from an uncomfortable perch and that often during the process he was literally upside down. After much perseverance the task was accomplished, and the treasured possession carried triumphantly to the leafy heights of a maple, where a warble of gratitude soon proclaimed that it was being woven into the oriole's nest and thus put to immediate use.

One who witnessed this incident was grateful for the needed lessons learned therefrom, and recalled with deeper appreciation a passage from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (pp. 322, 323), where Mrs. Eddy declares, "Mortals may seek the understanding of Christian Science, but they will not be able to glean from Christian Science the facts of being without striving for them;" and she adds, "This strife consists in the endeavor to forsake error of every kind and to possess no other consciousness but good."

Christian Scientists are building for eternity. Their house, or real consciousness, is constructed of the truths of being, God's thoughts, and there can enter into it nothing that defiles; hence, so-called mortal mind with its false beliefs has no part in true consciousness. As faithful workers we earnestly seek these thoughts and welcome their appearing. But, having gained glimpses of the ideas which belong to real consciousness, are we honestly willing to strive for them until we possess them, until we have proved them to be our own? Having made a few eager attempts to grasp the truth and having apparently failed, does the student impatiently conclude that it is beyond his reach, that he cannot lay hold of it? Knowing that each individual must finally realize the truth of the one perfect spiritual consciousness which reflects God, the student sees that there can be no possible benefit in postponing until some more convenient season the work necessary to this realization. Do not the tendrils of error seem to multiply and become more formidable through procrastination?

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Evil a Mirage
October 12, 1929

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