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On the Forsaking of Evil
How to be rid of evil in its manifold phases is a problem to which mankind has given age-long attention; for belief in evil as a reality is the foundation of all the woes which seem so greatly to harass mortals. It is the primary cause of all the distress which so largely comprises human experience. To be rid of this belief is by far mankind's greatest need. How to accomplish this release has to a great extent baffled the great and good throughout all time. That the doer of evil must change his course, forsake his ways, and in the spirit of meekness and repentance seek God's forgiveness was the oft-repeated assertion of the holy men and prophets who stand out so prominently in the Old Testament. But just how to accomplish this most needful result was not made plain. Christ Jesus by word and example set mortals free from the bondage of sin and disease. Yet he left the discovery of the means and method of his divine practice to be revealed at some future time. That Mrs. Eddy has unfolded in Christian Science the precise method whereby the claims of evil may be overcome and destroyed, and mortals thereby released from bondage, is increasingly recognized.
Paul, in his incomparable epistle to the Christian in the church at Rome admonished them to overcome evil and hinted at the method of accomplishing it, which, except in general terms however, he did not define. "Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good," are his words. There is no doubt that the great apostle well knew the process of destroying the baneful claims of evil; for there is much evidence in the New Testament of his understanding of God's omnipotence; and, moreover, there is abundant proof that he applied this understanding successfully in destroying the manifestations of evil of many types. Yet he gave no specific instructions as to the process. While he often admitted the necessity which confronted mortals to deny and destroy evil beliefs, yet the fact remains that he did not make his instructions explicit and definite.
Mrs. Eddy, however, handles this problem with definiteness as to the least detail, making the method of destroying evil, by reducing it to its native nothingness, so plain that none who give it serious consideration may fail to understand it. On page 216 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" she writes, "The understanding that the Ego is Mind, and that there is but one Mind or intelligence, begins at once to destroy the errors of mortal sense and to supply the truth of immortal sense." No statement could be more direct or explicit. The understanding that God, Mind, is the only intelligence, and that this divine intelligence is conscious only of the spiritual and perfect, the eternal ideas of Mind, uncovers the unreality of evil and proves that it has no place in the realm of infinite Truth; and this uncovering of the nature of evil destroys it.
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January 26, 1929 issue
View Issue-
"Angelic messengers"
"According to thy faith"
Healing Words
"In the secret place of the most High"
"The fruit of the Spirit"
The Patriarchs
Christian Science teaches, as did Christ Jesus, that...
Mrs. Martha L. Larrison, Committee on Publication for Hawaii,
A Christian Scientist does not differ from any other scientific...
Miss Helena de Graaf, Committee on Publication for Java,
In your columns there appeared recently the report of a...
Miss E. Mary Ramsay, Committee on Publication for the County of Midlothian, Scotland,
A London dispatch, published in your recent issue under...
Hugh Stuart Campbell, Committee on Publication for the State of Illinois,
The article "Christian Science Fails Again" so misinterprets...
George W. Martin, Committee on Publication for Victoria, Australia,
Editorial comment accompanying an article printed in a...
J. Latimer Davis, Committee on Publication for the State of Iowa,
The author of a news dispatch published in your paper...
Richard H. Smith, Committee on Publication for the State of Montana,
Holy Ground
A Statement by the Directors
The Christian Science Board of Directors
On the Forsaking of Evil
Albert F. Gilmore
Violet Ker Seymer
The Goodness of God
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Ellen Graham, Helen V. Keeler
I am indeed very grateful for Christian Science healing
Jay L. Cooley
It was my misfortune to become a victim to many diseases...
Annie S. Vaughn
So many wonderful and beautiful proofs of healing...
Jeannette E. McDannel
Christian Science found me seeking material gain, and...
Cora I. Williams
Christian Science is not a faith cure, in the commonly...
Willetta Fern Huggins
Christian Science has given me an understanding of the...
Julia Ata Daugherty
I was ill and under medical care for six years
Nellie Weyrauch
It is with deep gratitude I write this testimony of the...
Mary Elizabeth Pawling
I wish to express through the periodicals my gratitude for...
Edith B. Flipse
Signs of the Times
with contributions from George H Morrison, John E. Lovejoy, Harold Leonard Bowman