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Among the Churches
Current Notes
The Standard-Star
New Rochelle, New York (First Church).—Without formal ceremony of any kind whatsoever, the first services in the new temple erected by First Church of Christ, Scientist, of New Rochelle, have just been held. The regular Sunday morning worship was not varied in any respect from that held every week, and no public comment was made by those conducting the readings and prayer.
The new building thrown open yesterday for the first time to the Christian Scientist congregation is a superstructure reared over the first unit erected seven years ago. This first unit, now constituting the basement floor, will be used henceforth for Sunday school rooms.
First Church of Christ, Scientist, as it now stands on Locust Avenue, near Main Street, is an imposing and beautiful religious edifice. Built of tan face brick and modeled after the Ionic temples of old, the front is dignified by the tall Ionic pillars that form a semicircle, repeated in the several steps by which entrance is gained to the portico within the pillars. It presents a different aspect within than any other religious edifice of this city. It is dazzlingly light with its white ceiling and walls, and the windows of an opaque glass shot with pale yellow tend to heighten the atmosphere of brightness that pervades. The Flemish pews of dark oak have a seating capacity of three hundred and seventy-five. The effect of the whole building is that of simplicity and austerity, perfected with a nicety of detail, however, that brings First Church of Christ, Scientist, into the ranks of the most beautiful religious edifices of this city.—The Standard-Star.
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September 27, 1924 issue
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"Ask, and it shall be given you"
Fact versus Conjecture
"Look from the place where thou art"
Silent Prayer
Supply—the Gift of God
Overcoming Procrastination
The Barrier
Christian Science, as its name indicates, is the Science of...
Robert G. Steel,
Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science...
S. Britton R. Foster,
The teachings of Christian Science are purely spiritual
Charles W. Hale,
Mrs. Eddy found it necessary to follow Jesus' teachings...
Harry K. Filler,
A lecturer is reported to have spoken of Christian Science...
William Kenneth Primrose,
What the world at this moment needs is more love from all...
Willard J. Welch,
Kindly permit me to say that it was entirely the deep...
Aaron E. Brandt,
A recent issue contains an article criticizing Christian Science
Arthur John Chapman,
Confidence in God
"Let this mind be in you"
Albert F. Gilmore
"Be of one mind"
Duncan Sinclair
"Love makes all burdens light"
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Marjorie Reynolds, Charles R. Hines
I send my testimony of healing to the Sentinel, because...
Didi Ansteensen
I did not come into Christian Science for physical healing
William E. Hewitson
We are filled with deep gratitude for having found the...
Friedrich Schmiedt
With a heart full of gratitude I feel obliged to testify to...
Karl Dencke with contributions from Ralph Waldo Emerson
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Arch. Alexander, H. G. Chase, John McDowell, W. B. Jamieson, Lord Leverhulme, William Farwell, R. Casimir, Muriel Brewster