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Christian Science, as its name indicates, is the Science of...
Christian Science, as its name indicates, is the Science of Christianity. Christian Scientists rightly claim to be Christians, because they follow the teachings of Christ Jesus. In obedience to Christ Jesus' commands, they are preaching the gospel, healing the sick, and regenerating the sinner by the method of the Master. In thus demonstrating the truth of their teachings they prove them scientific, since Science, to be Science, must be demonstrably true. Because of the quite general, though erroneous, use of the name "Jesus" and the title "Christ" as synonymous and interchangeable, the critic's statement that Christian Science "denies the person of Christ as God" is ambiguous. Christian Science makes the same distinction between Jesus and the Christ as did the Master himself. In that wonderfully illuminating declaration to the Jews, given in John's gospel, "Before Abraham was, I am," Jesus denied that Christ is person, if by person is meant a material man, since it is apparent that he could not have referred to his human selfhood as antedating Abraham. He thus not only taught that the Christ, the divine idea of God, is coexistent and coeternal with Deity, but made clear the distinction between the divine idea of God and his material selfhood, the human Jesus. On page 334 of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, with her usual clearness of vision, writes as follows: "The invisible Christ was imperceptible to the so-called personal senses, whereas Jesus appeared as a bodily existence. This dual personality of the unseen and the seen, the spiritual and material, the eternal Christ and the corporeal Jesus manifest in flesh, continued until the Master's ascension, when the human, material concept, or Jesus, disappeared, while the spiritual self, or Christ, continues to exist in the eternal order of divine Science, taking away the sins of the world, as the Christ has always done, even before the human Jesus was incarnate to mortal eyes."
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September 27, 1924 issue
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"Ask, and it shall be given you"
Fact versus Conjecture
"Look from the place where thou art"
Silent Prayer
Supply—the Gift of God
Overcoming Procrastination
The Barrier
Christian Science, as its name indicates, is the Science of...
Robert G. Steel,
Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science...
S. Britton R. Foster,
The teachings of Christian Science are purely spiritual
Charles W. Hale,
Mrs. Eddy found it necessary to follow Jesus' teachings...
Harry K. Filler,
A lecturer is reported to have spoken of Christian Science...
William Kenneth Primrose,
What the world at this moment needs is more love from all...
Willard J. Welch,
Kindly permit me to say that it was entirely the deep...
Aaron E. Brandt,
A recent issue contains an article criticizing Christian Science
Arthur John Chapman,
Confidence in God
"Let this mind be in you"
Albert F. Gilmore
"Be of one mind"
Duncan Sinclair
"Love makes all burdens light"
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Marjorie Reynolds, Charles R. Hines
I send my testimony of healing to the Sentinel, because...
Didi Ansteensen
I did not come into Christian Science for physical healing
William E. Hewitson
We are filled with deep gratitude for having found the...
Friedrich Schmiedt
With a heart full of gratitude I feel obliged to testify to...
Karl Dencke with contributions from Ralph Waldo Emerson
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Arch. Alexander, H. G. Chase, John McDowell, W. B. Jamieson, Lord Leverhulme, William Farwell, R. Casimir, Muriel Brewster