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The Lectures
Medina, New York (Society).—The following introductory remarks were made by Mrs. Marjorie Reynolds at a Christian Science lecture by George Shaw Cook:—
Christian Science inculcates faith in and loyalty to the laws of God; it teaches the truth that those laws are unchanging and enduring; it emphasizes that fundamental of right living, the understanding of the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man, and admonishes us that at all times, scientifically speaking, we are our brother's keeper. There never has been a time in human history when the strifetorn peoples of this world needed the appealing, compelling forces of spiritual awakening more than now. In the struggle for place and power, in the white heat of contest, men in their passions have been swept from their moorings, and are fervently asking for guidance, asking that the Master shall say again to the tempest, "Peace, be still." Christian Science teaches that there is a God-given power which is freely granted and abundantly bestowed, and which rescues men from sin, sickness, and death. It demonstrates that God heals to-day as in that wonderful time almost nineteen hundred years ago, when Jesus taught and healed among the beautiful hills of Judea and by the blue waters of the Sea of Galilee.
Denver, Colorado (Fourth Church).—The following introductory remarks were made by Charles R. Hines, when introducing Miss Margaret Murney Glenn, a Christian Science lecturer, to her audience:—
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September 27, 1924 issue
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"Ask, and it shall be given you"
Fact versus Conjecture
"Look from the place where thou art"
Silent Prayer
Supply—the Gift of God
Overcoming Procrastination
The Barrier
Christian Science, as its name indicates, is the Science of...
Robert G. Steel,
Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science...
S. Britton R. Foster,
The teachings of Christian Science are purely spiritual
Charles W. Hale,
Mrs. Eddy found it necessary to follow Jesus' teachings...
Harry K. Filler,
A lecturer is reported to have spoken of Christian Science...
William Kenneth Primrose,
What the world at this moment needs is more love from all...
Willard J. Welch,
Kindly permit me to say that it was entirely the deep...
Aaron E. Brandt,
A recent issue contains an article criticizing Christian Science
Arthur John Chapman,
Confidence in God
"Let this mind be in you"
Albert F. Gilmore
"Be of one mind"
Duncan Sinclair
"Love makes all burdens light"
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Marjorie Reynolds, Charles R. Hines
I send my testimony of healing to the Sentinel, because...
Didi Ansteensen
I did not come into Christian Science for physical healing
William E. Hewitson
We are filled with deep gratitude for having found the...
Friedrich Schmiedt
With a heart full of gratitude I feel obliged to testify to...
Karl Dencke with contributions from Ralph Waldo Emerson
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Arch. Alexander, H. G. Chase, John McDowell, W. B. Jamieson, Lord Leverhulme, William Farwell, R. Casimir, Muriel Brewster