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Your correspondent "Gamma Minus," in his article on...
The Yorkshire Observer
Your correspondent "Gamma Minus," in his article on "Religion and Healing," makes an attack on the teachings of Christian Science. If there is one thing of which students of Christian Science are anxious to convince humanity, it is that its healing work is in no way associated with suggestion, but is unalterably based on the correct and scientific understanding of God and His Christ. It is quite evident from the article by "Gamma Minus" that Christ in no way enters into his conclusions with regard to healing, since his remedy is a certain amount of suggestion mixed with a certain amount of what Christ Jesus never used or recommended, and that is the uncertain action of material drugs.
The truth, in a nutshell, is this : Nearly fifty years ago, Mrs. Eddy discovered that healing as practised by Jesus was in no way a phenomenal appearing, but was the result of his perfect understanding of God's invariable spiritual law. Since then this discovery of the operation of the "Spirit of truth" has been fully tested, and has proved itself able to free mankind from every form of sin and disease. Other systems of religion and medicine which have become conscious of these results and of the enormous growth of Christian Science, have also become conscious of the fact that it now rests with them no longer to base salvation on a theological dogma which is to save after death, or to base health on a healing system which has an interminable list of incurable diseases, but to prove their systems here and now by practical results, even as Christian Science is doing. The consequence is, that these systems are engaged in the process of running from drugs to hypnotism and suggestion, and back again to drugs, in the vain effort to accomplish what can be attained only through Christ or spiritual means.
The Christian Science movement is not dependent upon learned debates to discuss whether Truth heals or how to heal, but is healing mankind from their sins and sicknesses in the only right way, the way laid down in the Bible; and day by day thinking men and women are perceiving this more clearly. Against this rapidly advancing movement such criticisms as that of "Gamma Minus" weigh not one jot.
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September 12, 1914 issue
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The Perfect Concept
"Count it all joy"
True Guidance
Silent Service
In a recent issue, speaking of the report of the medical...
Frederick Dixon
We believe the Rev. Mr. — will readily agree that one...
H. Cornell Wilson
Among the books recommended by Evangelist — in a...
Charles E. Jarvis
Your correspondent "Gamma Minus," in his article on...
John W. Doorly
"Unifies men and nations"
Archibald McLellan
Assurance of Immortality
John B. Willis
"The seat of the scornful"
Annie M. Knott
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
John V. Dittemore
The Lectures
with contributions from Mayor M. Purdin, Orison J. C. Dutton, H. B. Anderson, Samuel H. Ralston, Eli K. Stough, Adele Duvall
Words seem inadequate to tell of the marvels which have...
Ethel Ingham with contributions from Percy B. Ingham
Our son was afflicted for a period of four years with severe...
Emma Gutdeutsch
"To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, today is big...
James F. Smythe
I am very grateful for the healing power of Truth as manifested...
Sarah E. Gregory
With a heart full of gratitude I wish to give my testimony...
Ella Zugenbuehler
Five years ago, when I first had occasion to turn to...
William J. Flammer
Three years ago I became interested in Christian Science...
Margaret T. Kramer
I wish to testify to the healing of a very painful and...
Mary Ambrose with contributions from Anna O. Gibson
I have long wanted to express my gratitude for healing,...
S. Louise Barton
My husband was healed in Christian Science after many...
Katherine Jones
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from C. Hanford Henderson