I wish to tell of my wonderful healing through Christian Science...

I wish to tell of my wonderful healing through Christian Science of a malignant disease of the bowels. I had been sick for two years, going from one doctor to another, but was getting worse, until they said they could give no further help except by an operation. I went to a hospital and had the operation, and after being at home for three weeks, returned and went through another, and still a third. Then one of the doctors told my wife that nothing on earth could help me, as the disease had spread so that I could live but a week at the longest. He said it was the worst case of the kind that he had ever had. My wife then brought me home, and the second day after, a lady told her of a man, living in the town, who had been healed of the same disease of the liver by Christian Science. When my wife came home and told me of this I sent her right back to town to see this man. He told her of his healing, and gave the address of the one who had helped him. I at once sent to this lady for treatment, and the pain left so that I could sleep. God's power is wonderful!

That was six years ago, and though the pain kept coming back, it got less at each time, and now I am in perfect health, and can do harder work than ever I could. With all my heart I give thanks to God for the blessings which have been mine through Christian Science. God bless Mrs. Eddy.

George Braun, Mount Forest, Ont.

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Testimony of Healing
A year ago I began to feel severe pain in the region...
October 16, 1909

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